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The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1863., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Mars Linkum or search for Mars Linkum in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1863., [Electronic resource], An African letter — opinions of a colored candidate. (search)
r was to stan behine de sarvant's chair one day, in de year, now he is to hab a "Saturnalian century" I spose dat means Satteday night all de time. Dis is when Mars Linkum has drove de Dixies out ob de country, and made em beg dar lorful, masters dat he gwide to put over dem. But Honeul Mr. Doc little forms me dat dat won't take place for sebbrul days, because Mars Linkum got as fur as Fredricksburg, but his possumcoon bridge broke down, and he had to go back to Washington city to git him fix. Den he gwine take de Dixiss certain. But de districk is to leet members same as of de dam Dixies was done whip. You ax me sebbrul question, which I procede to answeuess, and you guine ax ut to cloop wood and cook de dinter? No. sith! You de kuntry tree, den we will take it. More dan all dat, an't we done two by de'act of Mr. Linkum? What's de use of we fighting? Spose de Dixies kill me, what good freedom guino do me? Spose dey ketch me alive and put me up at auction and stribute de mone