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The Daily Dispatch: April 9, 1863., [Electronic resource], The Progressing attack on Charleston — the armament of the iron clads. (search)
f the iron clads left for North Edisto to await the high lides to enter Stono Inlet, and to proceed by that route, if not to Charleston, so near it as to make them unpleasant neighbors, and to render the occupation of James Island by the rebels impossible with the batteries they have in position. They have few or no heavy guns, having placed them in positions where they will be of no use. Our enemies will have no time to change the useless batteries they have placed on Morris and Sullivan's Island.--useless because we would have to go out of our way to attack them. After Charleston has fallen — as fall it will — Dixts will set up a howl that the reason was that they had not placed their butteries properly. With no less than six hundred heavy guns to defend so miserable, a spot, two years to prepare their defences, without hindrance from "Old Aba." and choosing their positions, their excuses will be puerile and unsatisfactory to the "Southern Confederacy." The arrival of th
rom Forts Sumter and Moultrie and Morris Island. The Ironsides was hit and run ashore, but got off and was carried out of range. The engagement is going on at half-past 5 P. M. [Second Dispatch.]further Particulars. Charleston, April 7. --at 2 o'clock this afternoon nine Monitors and the frigate Ironsides crossed the bar-and steamed in towards Fort Sumter. At three o'clock they opened fire at a distance of three thousand yards. Forts Sumter and Moultrie and the batteries at Sullivan's and Morris's Islands replied with spirit. At half-past 2 o'clock the firing became very rapid and almost incessant until five, when it gradually diminished, and is now heard only at long intervals. Their fire was concentrated upon Sumter. The Ironsides and the Keokuk withdrew from the contest at half past 4 o'clock, apparently disabled.--Fort Sumter is uninjured. The enemy's fire killed one man. Incense excitement prevails in the city, but everybody is confident of our triumph