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Some Samples of Yankee Faulting. The great Loyal Langue meeting in New York, a full report of which has been put in our hands by a friend, was the richest thing of the season. Bancroft, and Raymond. and Van Buren, of course went over the old track, but the purveyors of the mob had gotten up a fresh thing or two to tickle the mob's palate. The Mayor of Baltimore, a Mr. Chapman, brought that down trodden city, harnessed to the triumphal car of the Yankee, and aired her degradation before the admiring Unionists in a violently loyal speech. He was welcomed by a loafer or two with "Butly for Baltimore:" He could not express to them the gratification it afforded him, when, sitting in his place in the Common Council of the city of Baltimore, it was announced that the Loyal League of New York had invited the Mayor and Common Council of Baltimore to meet with them in New York to aid and sustain the cause of our common Government and country. [Applause.] It came to him as a voic
ong the operatives, but men who were strongly in favor of the legitimate Government of the United States. [Great applause] He was followed by Daniel S. Dickinson, who took a cut at the English Government for recognizing the Confederates as belligerents, and said: We had expected nothing from the wily and scheming Emperor of the French; but we did think that Great Britain would, at least, not be against us, and would be neutral in fact as well as in word. But the proclamation of England came, and we found that we were made the equal of a parcel of thieves and rebels. That our Government, an acknowledged first Power in the world, was considered on the same footing with his army of renegades, who had no more Government than John Brown had, than the forty thieves had. [Laughter.] Rev. Dr. Hitchcock did not think the women of the North were doing their duty, for-- He had been told the difference between the women of the North and South was that they of the North wi
Brown had, than the forty thieves had. [Laughter.] Rev. Dr. Hitchcock did not think the women of the North were doing their duty, for-- He had been told the difference between the women of the North and South was that they of the North with to have their husbands and sons remain at home, while the women of the South kicked their husbands and sons from their door steps. Let us have no hand but a malled hand for traitors, no smile for them but the smile of scorn. [Applause] Gen. Scott, wrapped in the American flag, was one of the attractions of the evening. Here is the way that trick was done: The chilly air perceptibly affected the General, and he desired a gentleman near him to bring him a shawl. None being at hand, a large-sized American flag was handed out from the window, and some quick witted friend wrapped it closely round and about the shoulders and limbs of the veteran who had so often upheld it on the battle-field, while the crowd below, struck with the
John Brown (search for this): article 11
igerents, and said: We had expected nothing from the wily and scheming Emperor of the French; but we did think that Great Britain would, at least, not be against us, and would be neutral in fact as well as in word. But the proclamation of England came, and we found that we were made the equal of a parcel of thieves and rebels. That our Government, an acknowledged first Power in the world, was considered on the same footing with his army of renegades, who had no more Government than John Brown had, than the forty thieves had. [Laughter.] Rev. Dr. Hitchcock did not think the women of the North were doing their duty, for-- He had been told the difference between the women of the North and South was that they of the North with to have their husbands and sons remain at home, while the women of the South kicked their husbands and sons from their door steps. Let us have no hand but a malled hand for traitors, no smile for them but the smile of scorn. [Applause] Gen.
Some Samples of Yankee Faulting. The great Loyal Langue meeting in New York, a full report of which has been put in our hands by a friend, was the richest thing of the season. Bancroft, and Raymond. and Van Buren, of course went over the old track, but the purveyors of the mob had gotten up a fresh thing or two to tickle the mob's palate. The Mayor of Baltimore, a Mr. Chapman, brought that down trodden city, harnessed to the triumphal car of the Yankee, and aired her degradation before the admiring Unionists in a violently loyal speech. He was welcomed by a loafer or two with "Butly for Baltimore:" He could not express to them the gratification it afforded him, when, sitting in his place in the Common Council of the city of Baltimore, it was announced that the Loyal League of New York had invited the Mayor and Common Council of Baltimore to meet with them in New York to aid and sustain the cause of our common Government and country. [Applause.] It came to him as a voice
Some Samples of Yankee Faulting. The great Loyal Langue meeting in New York, a full report of which has been put in our hands by a friend, was the richest thing of the season. Bancroft, and Raymond. and Van Buren, of course went over the old track, but the purveyors of the mob had gotten up a fresh thing or two to tickle the mob's palate. The Mayor of Baltimore, a Mr. Chapman, brought that down trodden city, harnessed to the triumphal car of the Yankee, and aired her degradation before the admiring Unionists in a violently loyal speech. He was welcomed by a loafer or two with "Butly for Baltimore:" He could not express to them the gratification it afforded him, when, sitting in his place in the Common Council of the city of Baltimore, it was announced that the Loyal League of New York had invited the Mayor and Common Council of Baltimore to meet with them in New York to aid and sustain the cause of our common Government and country. [Applause.] It came to him as a voic
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