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ts: "Mr. Adams felt so chagrined at the publication of his letter to the Federal Admiral that he visited the city to censure the indiscretion of the parties who gave it publicity." The Daily News says: "There can be no doubt that the irritation between England and the United States is gradually increasing. There are unquestionably faults on both sides. But, except in the case of the Alabama, it is impossible to point to any one act which offers just ground of complaint. Russell is no doubt determined to do all he can to prevent another Alabama affair. But unless his efforts are supported by public opinion they will be unavailing. And certainly unless the temper of the country alters, it is difficult to see how it can be avoided." In the House of Commons, on the 16th, Mr. Horsfall gave notice of his intention to call attention to the seizure of the gunboat Alexandria at Liverpool. Lord R. Cecil asked if it was true that spies had been sent to Liverpool
Alabama affair. But unless his efforts are supported by public opinion they will be unavailing. And certainly unless the temper of the country alters, it is difficult to see how it can be avoided." In the House of Commons, on the 16th, Mr. Horsfall gave notice of his intention to call attention to the seizure of the gunboat Alexandria at Liverpool. Lord R. Cecil asked if it was true that spies had been sent to Liverpool to watch the dockyards and the Confederate agents? Sir G. Grey denied that any spies had been employed by the Government. The facts were these: Earl Russell had received a letter from the American Minister containing various allegations in reference to the infringement of the foreign enlistments act at Liverpool. The Mayor of Liverpool had consequently been requested to make inquiries; but no suggestion had been made as to the manner in which such inquiries should be made. He was afterwards informed that the head constable of Liverpool had made in
gid enforcement of the provisions of the foreign enlistment act, which forbids the furnishing of ships of war to a belligerent power, to be employed against another power with which this country is at peace." The Daily News says there is an impression that the Confederate Government cotton warrants are in circulation in England; but it is announced that such of these documents as were created previous to the Confederate loan have been reduced through the medium of that operation. Napoleon had addressed an autograph letter to the Queen of Spain in rather pressing terms on behalf of the imprisoned Protestants. The following paragraph appeared in the Moniteur, and it has attracted considerable attention: "The growing hostility of the United States toward England is exciting uneasiness in London. The last dispatches from the Washington Government have a character of increasing irritation." The London Times is very bitter on the letter of the American Minister,
rgoes on board the Peterhoff, they not being criminals nor subject to criminal laws. A policy of insurance was attempted to be effected at Lloyds on the 16th, the vessel being furnished with certificates from Minister Adams, addressed to Admiral Dupont, dated from the United States Legation, London, and stating that Messrs. Howell & Tidman had furnished Mr. Adams with evidence that the vessel was really bound to Matamoras with a cargo for the Mexicans, and he therefore cheerfully gave them tates toward England is exciting uneasiness in London. The last dispatches from the Washington Government have a character of increasing irritation." The London Times is very bitter on the letter of the American Minister, Mr. Adams, to Admiral Dupont, exempting a certain ship for Mexico from England, and calls it an arrogant assumption. It says there has been nothing equal to it since Papish bulls were issued from Rome overriding the laws of England. It adds: "The exercise of the slight
point to any one act which offers just ground of complaint. Russell is no doubt determined to do all he can to prevent another Alabama affair. But unless his efforts are supported by public opinion they will be unavailing. And certainly unless the temper of the country alters, it is difficult to see how it can be avoided." In the House of Commons, on the 16th, Mr. Horsfall gave notice of his intention to call attention to the seizure of the gunboat Alexandria at Liverpool. Lord R. Cecil asked if it was true that spies had been sent to Liverpool to watch the dockyards and the Confederate agents? Sir G. Grey denied that any spies had been employed by the Government. The facts were these: Earl Russell had received a letter from the American Minister containing various allegations in reference to the infringement of the foreign enlistments act at Liverpool. The Mayor of Liverpool had consequently been requested to make inquiries; but no suggestion had been made as to
consider the proposal. He expressed much surprise on hearing of the detention of officers and supercargoes on board the Peterhoff, they not being criminals nor subject to criminal laws. A policy of insurance was attempted to be effected at Lloyds on the 16th, the vessel being furnished with certificates from Minister Adams, addressed to Admiral Dupont, dated from the United States Legation, London, and stating that Messrs. Howell & Tidman had furnished Mr. Adams with evidence that the vesMexican land frontier to English ports of shipment by a system of passes for English goods and merchandize, without which they are not to reach the Mexican coast. The safeguard he has granted evidently has a money value, since it was produced at Lloyds in order to obtain insurance. If it was likely to reduce the premium it gave shippers an unfair advantage over all firms to which Mr. Adams, from caprice or misinformation, might refuse his pass. But the commerce of England will not accept exem
an Minister containing various allegations in reference to the infringement of the foreign enlistments act at Liverpool. The Mayor of Liverpool had consequently been requested to make inquiries; but no suggestion had been made as to the manner in which such inquiries should be made. He was afterwards informed that the head constable of Liverpool had made inquiries, and that neither the Mayor nor the Watch Committee had raised any objection. In the House of Commons on the 17th inst., Mr. Cobden gave notice of the following motion, to follow Mr. Horsfall's, which is to come up on the 24th, in reference to the seizure of the Alexandria: "To invite the attention of the House, from motives of national self-interest and obligations of implied international engagements, by which the British Government is called upon for a vigilant and rigid enforcement of the provisions of the foreign enlistment act, which forbids the furnishing of ships of war to a belligerent power, to be emplo
nterruption. The traffic is legitimate and cannot be carried on in the fetters of permits and certificates from the United States legation.--English merchants cannot go as suppliants to foreign ministers for licenses to transact business. The whole proceeding is monstrous, whether as a calculation or a blunder." The Times's city article gives further particulars of the affair. It says: "The gentlemen named in the pass by Mr. Adams are Mr. Howell, an American contractor, and Gen. Zirman, of the Mexican army; and it was the agents of these who attempted to effect the insurance. Mr. Adams in a letter said he granted the certificates on account of the creditable object in view. That object was to ship arms and ammunition for the Mexicans in the war against France. The insurance proposed was £80,000 on the arms and £30,000 on the ship's freight." The Globe reports: "Mr. Adams felt so chagrined at the publication of his letter to the Federal Admiral that he vis
ents act at Liverpool. The Mayor of Liverpool had consequently been requested to make inquiries; but no suggestion had been made as to the manner in which such inquiries should be made. He was afterwards informed that the head constable of Liverpool had made inquiries, and that neither the Mayor nor the Watch Committee had raised any objection. In the House of Commons on the 17th inst., Mr. Cobden gave notice of the following motion, to follow Mr. Horsfall's, which is to come up on the 24th, in reference to the seizure of the Alexandria: "To invite the attention of the House, from motives of national self-interest and obligations of implied international engagements, by which the British Government is called upon for a vigilant and rigid enforcement of the provisions of the foreign enlistment act, which forbids the furnishing of ships of war to a belligerent power, to be employed against another power with which this country is at peace." The Daily News says there is
Later from Europe. The steamship Europa, from Liverpool on the 18th ult., via Queenstown on the 19th, arrived at New York on the 30th ult. The following is a summary of her news: On the 16th instant a deputation of shippers and merchants interested in the Mexican trade waited on Earl Russell. The importance of the interview was considerably enhanced by an announcement being made during its progress that while the United States Government have been seizing British vessels bound to Matamoras without any contraband of war being on board of them, Mr. Adams has been giving a special license for a ship to proceed from England to Matamoras, free from any interference by American cruisers, to carry supplies, which are stated to consist of arms and ammunition for the Mexicans in their war with France. It was also shown that the interference of the Federal cruisers with the Mexican trade had the effect of enabling the Americans to establish a monopoly. The immediate object of the d
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