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Green Bay (Wisconsin, United States) (search for this): article 14
ax, Hunt over Pugh, 21 maj. Prince William, Larkin has a maj of 3 over Nelson, 5 over Norvell, and 6 over Lynn. Warren, no opposition to Thomas.--Fauquier, Brooke's maj over Shackleford is 7, over Gordon 16, over Hunton 18. Prince Edward County--Court-House — For Governor: Smith, 59, Flournoy, 33; Munford, 8. Attorney General; Tucker, 89. Lieut Governor; Imboden, 37; Price, 52. Congress: Becock, no opp, 93. Senate: Dickinson, 116; Miller, 1. House of Delegates: Tredway, no opp, 96. Green Bay Precinct — Governor: Smith, 23; Flournoy, 19; Munford, 5. State Senate: Dickinson, 26; Miller, 21. Lt Governor: Price 19; Imboden, 8. Farmville.--For Governor: Flournoy, 80; Smith, 39. Lt Governor: Imboden, 51; Price, 45; Sheffey, 8 Senate: Dickinson, 105; Miller, 8. House of Delegates: Tredway, 95. Congress: Bocock, 69. Nottoway County--Miller's reported majority in Nottoway is about 40. Asa D. Dickinson was no doubt re-elected to the Senate from Prince Edward, Nottoway, and
Big Island (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 14
Lt Governor: Price, 84. Congress: Preston, 328; McMullin, 99. Lynchburg, May 30.--The following election returns were received this evening: Roanoke County.--[Official.]--For Governor: Smith, 131; Munford, 39; Flournoy, 107. For Lieut. Governor: Price, 219; Imboden, 25. For Attorney General: Tucker, 228. For Congress: Staples, 115; Edmundson, 162. For House of Delegates: Dyerle, 141; Taylor, 122. Bedford County--Returns from Bedford are received except two precincts — Big Island and Bigbie's. For Governor: Flournoy, 530; Smith, 194; Munford, 29. For Lieut. Governor: Price, 560; Imboden, 92. For Attorney General: Tucker, 589. For Congress: Goode, 436; Martin, 283. For House of Delegates: Jordan Burwell elected. Campbell County.--Returns incomplete.--Deane and Mart elected to the House of Delegates. Nelson County.--Flournoy, 308; Smith; 199; Munford, 58. For Lieut. Governor. Price, 262; Imboden, 375. For Attorney General: Tucker. 514. For Congress:
Farmville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 14
quier, Brooke's maj over Shackleford is 7, over Gordon 16, over Hunton 18. Prince Edward County--Court-House — For Governor: Smith, 59, Flournoy, 33; Munford, 8. Attorney General; Tucker, 89. Lieut Governor; Imboden, 37; Price, 52. Congress: Becock, no opp, 93. Senate: Dickinson, 116; Miller, 1. House of Delegates: Tredway, no opp, 96. Green Bay Precinct — Governor: Smith, 23; Flournoy, 19; Munford, 5. State Senate: Dickinson, 26; Miller, 21. Lt Governor: Price 19; Imboden, 8. Farmville.--For Governor: Flournoy, 80; Smith, 39. Lt Governor: Imboden, 51; Price, 45; Sheffey, 8 Senate: Dickinson, 105; Miller, 8. House of Delegates: Tredway, 95. Congress: Bocock, 69. Nottoway County--Miller's reported majority in Nottoway is about 40. Asa D. Dickinson was no doubt re-elected to the Senate from Prince Edward, Nottoway, and Lunenburg. Nineteenth Virginia Battalion, Battery No. 4.--Below you will find a statement of the vote cast at this post. There was but little in
Essex County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 14
over Mahone and 21 over Parham; 3d district, Lyons and Wickham a tie; 5th district, Wm. C. Rives, 5; 7th district, Funsten, 31 majority. State Senate: 24th district, Ashby's majority 30; 1st district, Garrison's majority over Finney 21. House of Delegates: Alexandria, Snowden 26 majority over Smoot and Cazenove; Accomac, Weaver 6 majority over Parramore. Northampton, Scott has a majority of 26 over Savage; Amherst, Powell beats Rucker 6 votes; Isle of Wight, J. L. Wilson 18 votes. Essex County.--Montague, as far as heard from, 40 or 50 ahead. At King William Court House he had all the votes. but 2. Smith, in Essex, reported to have a majority. Dinwiddie--(Official.)--Munford, 15; Smith, 93; Flournoy, 46. Lieutenant-Governor: For Price, 177; Imboden, 90. State Senate:--Thompson, 134; Adams, 150. Southampton--Two precincts.--Flournoy, 58, Munford, 4; Smith, 2. Surry--Two precincts.--Munford, 24; Smith, 14. Congress; Whitfield, 75; Parham, 1; Mahone. 1. Isle
Danville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 14
th District Mr. Russell, present member, was opposed by Dr. Kidwell. Result not known. Below we give what has been further received about the general election: Pittsylvania County.--In seven precincts of this county, including the town of Danville, the vote stands as follows: For Governor: Flournoy, 640; Smith, 266; Munford, 16. Lieutenant Governor, two precincts:--Price, 203; Imboden, 93. Attorney-General: Tucker. 362. Congress, seven precincts: Goode, 532; Martin, 379. State Senate: Sutherlin, 377; Keen, 394; Whittle, 197. House of Delegates: Buford, 702; Gilmer, 496; Stamps, 228; Swanson, 144; Jefferson. 107; Tredway, 33; Wade, 24; Dye, 4; Blair, 1. Military Vote at Danville.--For Governor: Flournoy, 41; Smith, 36; Munford, 2. Lieutenant Governor: Price, 30; Imboden, 31. Congress: Martin, 11; Goode, 4. State Senate, Henry District: Saunders, 8; Burwell, 0. House of Delegates, Henry county: Gravely, 8; Mullins, 1; Smith, 1; Richardson, 1. Camp Seventeenth Va. Regi
Fluvanna (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 14
t, Edmondson 2 over Staples. For State Senate; Randolph 33 over Haskint; Patton 14. over Early. For House of Delegates: Richmond, Robertson leads Burr 11, Wynne comes next, at a distance of 9; then Saunder 8 behind. Thirty-second Virginia Regiment--Governor: Flournoy's majority over Smith, 19. Lieut. Governor: Imboden over Price, 39. Congress: Wickham over Lyons, 43. House of Delegates: Custis leads Colbert 19, who leads Vaughan 1, who leads Henley 13, who leads Slater 16. Fluvanna County.--Palmyra: Smith 25, Flournoy 20. Price 39, Imboden 7. Guy 29, Massie 3. Scottsville, 10 o'clock: Smith 10, Flournoy 4, Munford 1. Twenty-fifth Va Battery.--Flournoy's ma- jority over Smith, 33 Munford received 4 votes. Imboden's majority over Price, 46. Caroline County.--Returns from Sparth, Oakley, Court House, and Pitts's, add up thus: Governor: Smith 153. Flournoy 55 Lieut. Governor: Imboden 114, Price 71. Congress Dejarnette 174, Barbour 18. Butler to the Ho
Pittsylvania (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 14
nt member, and Col. Fayette McMullen. Returns favorable to the re-election of Preston. In the 14th District the candidates were Messrs. Fitzhugh and Miller. Mr. Miller is the present member, and is believed to be re-elected. In the 15th District Mr. Johnson, the present member, had no opposition. In the 16th District Mr. Russell, present member, was opposed by Dr. Kidwell. Result not known. Below we give what has been further received about the general election: Pittsylvania County.--In seven precincts of this county, including the town of Danville, the vote stands as follows: For Governor: Flournoy, 640; Smith, 266; Munford, 16. Lieutenant Governor, two precincts:--Price, 203; Imboden, 93. Attorney-General: Tucker. 362. Congress, seven precincts: Goode, 532; Martin, 379. State Senate: Sutherlin, 377; Keen, 394; Whittle, 197. House of Delegates: Buford, 702; Gilmer, 496; Stamps, 228; Swanson, 144; Jefferson. 107; Tredway, 33; Wade, 24; Dye, 4; Blair, 1. M
Greeneville (Ohio, United States) (search for this): article 14
m Court House he had all the votes. but 2. Smith, in Essex, reported to have a majority. Dinwiddie--(Official.)--Munford, 15; Smith, 93; Flournoy, 46. Lieutenant-Governor: For Price, 177; Imboden, 90. State Senate:--Thompson, 134; Adams, 150. Southampton--Two precincts.--Flournoy, 58, Munford, 4; Smith, 2. Surry--Two precincts.--Munford, 24; Smith, 14. Congress; Whitfield, 75; Parham, 1; Mahone. 1. Isle of Wight.--Court-House — Munford, 26; Smith, 2; Flournoy, 2 Greensville.--Smith, 38; Munford, 31; Flournoy, 9. Lieutenant Governor: Price, 24; Sheffey. 26. For Congress: Partram, 36; Mahone, 15. Pickett's Division.--In all the brigades but Kemper's, Smith's majority over Flournoy is 208; Kemper's brigade is reported to have given Smith 30 majority. For Congress, in the 8th regiment, Funsten's majority is 137.--For Delegates from Fauquier, in the 8th regiment, Hunton leads Brooke 21 votes; Brooke leads Green 8 votes; Green leads Shackleford 5, who leads
Fauquier (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 14
aylor, 109. House of Delegates: Alexandria, Snowden over Cazenove, 101 maj; over Smoot, 109. Fairfax, Hunt over Pugh, 21 maj. Prince William, Larkin has a maj of 3 over Nelson, 5 over Norvell, and 6 over Lynn. Warren, no opposition to Thomas.--Fauquier, Brooke's maj over Shackleford is 7, over Gordon 16, over Hunton 18. Prince Edward County--Court-House — For Governor: Smith, 59, Flournoy, 33; Munford, 8. Attorney General; Tucker, 89. Lieut Governor; Imboden, 37; Price, 52. Congress: Bec. Pickett's Division.--In all the brigades but Kemper's, Smith's majority over Flournoy is 208; Kemper's brigade is reported to have given Smith 30 majority. For Congress, in the 8th regiment, Funsten's majority is 137.--For Delegates from Fauquier, in the 8th regiment, Hunton leads Brooke 21 votes; Brooke leads Green 8 votes; Green leads Shackleford 5, who leads Campbell 1 vote. Smith's Brigade, Early's Division, gives Smith, we understand, upwards of 500 majority. Funsten's majorit
Nottoway (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 14
rice, 45; Sheffey, 8 Senate: Dickinson, 105; Miller, 8. House of Delegates: Tredway, 95. Congress: Bocock, 69. Nottoway County--Miller's reported majority in Nottoway is about 40. Asa D. Dickinson was no doubt re-elected to the Senate from PriNottoway is about 40. Asa D. Dickinson was no doubt re-elected to the Senate from Prince Edward, Nottoway, and Lunenburg. Nineteenth Virginia Battalion, Battery No. 4.--Below you will find a statement of the vote cast at this post. There was but little interest manifested, and the vote is small: For Governor: Smith has a majoriNottoway, and Lunenburg. Nineteenth Virginia Battalion, Battery No. 4.--Below you will find a statement of the vote cast at this post. There was but little interest manifested, and the vote is small: For Governor: Smith has a majority of 39 over Flournoy and 70 over Munford. Lieut. Governor: Imboden 11 majority over Price. Attorney General: Tucker, no opposition. Congress: 1st district, Montague has a majority of 4 over Garnett; 2d district, Whitfield's majority is 20 over Mjarnette, 125; Barbour, 158. Senate: Early, 68; Patton, 220. House of Delegates: Woolfolk, 121; McMullan, 144. Nottoway County.--Jeffries's Store, Smith, 13; Flournoy, 6; Munford, 2; Collier, 2; Gholson, 18 Very small vote. Madison County
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