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nd guilty and fined $5 and costs. Robert Burch, breaking and entering the shop of Joseph F. Dabney, and stealing $100 worth of boots and shoes, was sent on for felony. Wm. H. Zimmerman was fined $60 and costs for selling liquor, to be drunk where sold, without a license. John W. Butcher, free negro, charged with stealing two hams from Thomas W. Brockenbrough, was called, and a nolle prosequi entered. The prisoner was then remanded to the Mayor to be punished for petty larceny. Lewis, slave, stealing a cow from Wellington Goddin, was ordered 39 lashes. Albert, slave, stealing $100 worth of crockery ware from Hall Neilson's estate, was ordered 39 lashes. John, slave, stealing a hog from Sarah Miller, was ordered 39 lashes. Henry, slave, for receiving gold coin of Anna, slave to Mr. Jacobs, stolen from her master, was tried and acquitted. The Court spent a large proportion of the session in granting tavern and ordinary licenses, on a large scale.