Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 22, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for 16th or search for 16th in all documents.

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rrisburg dispatches stating that the rebel cavalry were at Berryville and Martinsburg, and that 'hard fighting was going on,' caused great terror, and when, on the 16th, the same rebels were reported at Chambersburg, "in great force," the Yankees commenced the removal of the railroad machinery, stock, and stores, from Harrisburg ie Island, was awake by this time, too, and called a session of the Legislature of that State for the purpose of raising troops. In Philadelphia, the Mayor, on the 16th, issued an order closing the stores, in order that the occupants may join military organizations to defend the city. In New York that night all the regiments wereor of New York that the men will not be wanted for more than thirty days, and that after that they may return home. Gen. McClellan was at Albany, N. Y., on the 16th inst., consulting with Gov. Seymour. A dispatch from Albany says: The 7th, 11th, 13th, 28th, 37th, 47th, 65th, 67th, 68th, 69th,71st and 74th regiments are und
ly complied with. We found no enemies. After recrossing the Chickahominy and James rivers, we marched through many deserted farms containing vast fields of clover easily accessible to our Government for one fifth of its value and which should undoubtedly be mown and transported away or destroyed to prevent a supply to our enemies. Miscellaneous. On the 9th ult., there were 44,951 sick in the United States. A party of ten Confederates went down York river on the night of the 16th inst., and landing proceeded to the Half-way House, about three miles from Great Bethel, where they captured and carried off a sutler's goods and several horses — a daring feat, they having gone fifteen miles within the enemy's lines. The European immigration at the port of New York since January 1 numbers 55,427. Gold was quoted in New York on the 17th at 45¾a45¾, and cotton at 58 cents. The laborers on the New York Central Railroad have had a strike for higher wages, and had a r