Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 22, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Milliken's Bend (Louisiana, United States) or search for Milliken's Bend (Louisiana, United States) in all documents.

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Our loss is three hundred. Jackson, June 17--via Mobile 19. --Numerous couriers have arrived from Vicksburg within the past few days. Their reports are stereotyped. Beyond the fact that Grant's sappers and miners are at work to blow up our works, there is nothing new. A courier from Port Hudson, with dispatches to Gen. Johnston, arrived last night. He reports that the garrison is in fine condition and spirits. Banks's force is estimated at 20,000. It is also reported that he has abandoned the idea of storming the place, and gone to ditching. Official dispatches from Milliken's Bend state that our attack upon that place was a failure. The enemy had three lines of works. He was driven out of two, but made a desperate stand the third, and with the assistance of his gunboats repelled our forces. Nothing is known outside of official circles of Kirby Smith's movements. Advices from Memphis state that the wounded on transports are still arriving from Vicksburg.
Pemberton absolutely refuses. The steamer Fulton arrived at New York Thursday from New Orleans on the 7th. The bombardment of Port Hudson was commenced at 2 o'clock on the morning of the 7th. Gen. Sherman's leg had been amputated, and his condition was considered critical. The excessive heat was effecting the health of our troops around Port Hudson. The river was falling so fast that some of our heavy draft vessels would be obliged to come down. Gen. Dennison, in command at Milliken's Bend, has been largely reinforced. He has started an expedition to Richmond, La, to attack McCullough, who is reported to have near 6,000 men. Nine hundred and fifty sick soldiers, mostly from Indiana, Illinois and Iowa regiments, arrived in St. Louis from Vicksburg last week. The operations of the Confederates Navy. A dispatch, dated New York, 16th, says: Capt. Lambert, of the whaling schooner King Fisher, says that his vessel was captured and burned by the Alabama. He