Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 22, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Mississippi (United States) or search for Mississippi (United States) in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: June 22, 1863., [Electronic resource], Late reliable intelligence from the Trans Mississippi Department--Vicksburg and Port Hudson. (search)
clears up all the doubts, myths and rumors which have been vexing the public for some weeks past. The information is from a gentleman just from the headquarters of Gen. Kuby Smith, who has official relations with that army. He crossed the Mississippi river at Natchez, on the 12th inst. The intelligence he furnishes is published in the Mobile Register, and the first important fact we learn is that Gen. Smith is fully posted as to the situation as Vicksburg and Port Hudson, and is directing thehe enemy's boats. Marmaduke, of Gen. Price's army, was near Helena, and Gen. Price, with 17,000 men, was on the march for that point, this object being the same, to command the river and cut off Grant's supplies. The great fall in the Mississippi river, 28 feet below high water mark, afforded great facilities to these operation.--The narrowness of the stream forced passing vessels to come within easy range of the shore batteries, while the river had sunk so low that the enemy's gunboats.