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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 23, 1863., [Electronic resource].

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One hundred dollars Reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber, about the 10th of my negro man Solomon. The said negro it a carpenter by trade, and formerly worked for Mr. MeKinn, corner 21st and Main streets. He left the premises of Mr. F Stearns, (where his wife lives,) with a pass from me to come to Lynchburg. I will give the above reward for his delivery at any jail, so that I may get him again. John R Todd, C S Nitre Refinery. Lynchburg Va. je 2--6t*
One hundred dollars Reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber, about the 10th of my negro man Solomon. The said negro it a carpenter by trade, and formerly worked for Mr. MeKinn, corner 21st and Main streets. He left the premises of Mr. F Stearns, (where his wife lives,) with a pass from me to come to Lynchburg. I will give the above reward for his delivery at any jail, so that I may get him again. John R Todd, C S Nitre Refinery. Lynchburg Va. je 2--6t*
For sale. --I have a very likely Mulatto Girl for sale, sixteen years old, and very well grown for her age; active and sprightly, with fine sense, capable of being improved. She is a good nurse and a good housemaid, and has been very trusty when in my care. She prefers staying in the city of Richmond. I sell her for no other but necessity. Any one wishing to purchase her can call at the residence of William T Wooddy. Church Hill, corner of 29th and Clay streets, to-morrow. She will be sold by her owner, Miss Mary A E Tyne. Price twenty six hundred dollars. je 23--1t*
For sale. --I have a very likely Mulatto Girl for sale, sixteen years old, and very well grown for her age; active and sprightly, with fine sense, capable of being improved. She is a good nurse and a good housemaid, and has been very trusty when in my care. She prefers staying in the city of Richmond. I sell her for no other but necessity. Any one wishing to purchase her can call at the residence of William T Wooddy. Church Hill, corner of 29th and Clay streets, to-morrow. She will be sold by her owner, Miss Mary A E Tyne. Price twenty six hundred dollars. je 23--1t*
The spoils in Winchester. --On the 16th our men at Winchester were engaged in unloading about 200 wagons, all loaded with captured army stores, sutlers' goods, &c. A very large quantity of ammunition was captured in the fort.
For hire. --One Wheel Wright, one Teamster, and one Laborer. Apply to Wm S Munson, 13 Pearl st. je 19--3t*
For hire. --One Wheel Wright, one Teamster, and one Laborer. Apply to Wm S Munson, 13 Pearl st. je 19--3t*
Charles Thompson (search for this): article 11
Among those killed at Winchester was Captain Charles Thompson, of the Louisiana Guard Artillery, of New Orleans. His arm was shot off, and he shortly afterwards expired.
Sent on. --Peter Burns and James McDonald, arrested for stealing $800 from Wm. Riley, appeared before the Mayor yesterday, and were sent on to the July term of the Hustings Court to answer the charge of felony. The Court offered to bail the parties in the sum of $500 each, but neither of them could give the requisite security.
James McDonald (search for this): article 11
Sent on. --Peter Burns and James McDonald, arrested for stealing $800 from Wm. Riley, appeared before the Mayor yesterday, and were sent on to the July term of the Hustings Court to answer the charge of felony. The Court offered to bail the parties in the sum of $500 each, but neither of them could give the requisite security.
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