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ll range through the lower part of Loudoun Valley, and hover about our forces in the vicinity of Aldie and Thoroughfare Gap. No additional information concerning the position of Lee's main body has ed, as he was not taken prisoner. Capt. Allen and Lieut Falos, who were sent with dispatches to Aldie, for Gen. Pleasanton, were thought captured, as they had not been heard from, and in going to AlAldie they had to pass through the enemy's pickets. We have news this morning that some of the New York papers of Saturday have published an account of a defeat of this army, at Centreville, by Leof Loudoun Valley, Buford has reconnoitered to Snicker's Gap; Gregg has repulsed Stuart twice at Aldie and Middleburg; Duffle cleaned out Thoroughfare Gap, and Stahl has reconnoitered at Warrenton. hey are now doing better service than ever before. There has been heavy cannonading between Aldie and Middleburg all day. The probability is that another severe cavalry fight has taken place the