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to the stone wall, file to the right and left, rapidly deliver their fire and gallop into a wood that skirted the wall on either side. Later in the afternoon, when the fight had progressed some time, the 14th, 16th, 17th and 36th Battalion, of Jenkins's brigade, came up from near Martinsburg and reinforced General Lee, taking a position on the left of the road towards Shepherdstown. During the remainder of the day they rendered gallant and efficient service with their long — range guns, and believed about the same number, planted in an admirable position on the right of the stonewall and in front of the woods, commanding the whole field in front. During the entire engagement our officers and men displayed the utmost gallantry. Gen. Jenkins being absent by reason of a wound in the head received at Gettysburg, his men were led by Col. Ferguson, the whole under command of Fitzhugh Lee. Our loss, not yet definitely known, is unofficially reported at from 75 to 100 from all causes.
ven to the public without detriment. No considerable body of the enemy are yet reported to be on the South side of the river. A small body of cavalry advanced from the direction of Williamsport to-day and captured three of our wagons and as many men who had been foraging in the vicinity of the mountain, about seven miles from Martinsburg.--The remainder of the party escaped. Gen. Pettigrew, of North Carolina, died of his wound at half-past 6 yesterday morning, at the residence of Mr. Boyd, Banker Hill, from the effect of his wound received in repelling a cavalry charge into his brigade just before recrossing the Potomac, Wednesday last. His confinement was soothed by every attention his condition required, and his faithful body servant attended him to the last. His noble features, calm and placid in death, and his body arrayed in full uniform, with his limbs composed, he appeared, instead of death, more like one who "wraps the drapery of his couch about him, and lies down
Fitzhugh Lee (search for this): article 5
on Wednesday; then coming down the Leetown and Winchester road to the distance of about five miles, halted. Meantime, Fitzhugh Lee, who was in the vicinity and hearing of their whereabouts, proceeded up the Shepherdstown road for the purpose of checsome time, the 14th, 16th, 17th and 36th Battalion, of Jenkins's brigade, came up from near Martinsburg and reinforced General Lee, taking a position on the left of the road towards Shepherdstown. During the remainder of the day they rendered gallaby reason of a wound in the head received at Gettysburg, his men were led by Col. Ferguson, the whole under command of Fitzhugh Lee. Our loss, not yet definitely known, is unofficially reported at from 75 to 100 from all causes. We lost no prisoners 1st Va., and Adj't Barbour, 17th Va., are reported killed; the latter while cheering the men to a charge. Col. Gregg, of Lee's brigade, reported mortally wounded, and Major Jos. H. Newman, of the 16th, wounded in the head. Prisoners taken rep
R. E. Lee (search for this): article 5
Our army correspondence. Army Northern Virginia, July 18th, 1863. The heavy cannonading heard in the direction of Shepherdstown Thursday originated from a severe cavalry fight, of which you have been advised by telegraph. I will now furnish you the particulars as they have been ascertained. After the return of Gen. Lee's army to Virginia, the enemy, evidently too much crippled for immediate pursuit, and desirous of ascertaining our movements and feeling our position, dispatched a large body of cavalry down the river to accomplish this object, if possible. They crossed at Harper's Ferry, where pontoon bridges were thrown across for the purpose, and proceeded up the river as far as Shepherdstown, where they arrived on Wednesday; then coming down the Leetown and Winchester road to the distance of about five miles, halted. Meantime, Fitzhugh Lee, who was in the vicinity and hearing of their whereabouts, proceeded up the Shepherdstown road for the purpose of checking the e
Joseph H. Newman (search for this): article 5
the river road towards Harper's Ferry, and it is reported have since gone to the other side of the river. The casualties, as usual latterly, were considerable among the officers, who greatly exposed themselves leading and encouraging the men, and forming conspicuous marks for the enemy's sharpshooters. Col. Drake, 1st Va., and Adj't Barbour, 17th Va., are reported killed; the latter while cheering the men to a charge. Col. Gregg, of Lee's brigade, reported mortally wounded, and Major Jos. H. Newman, of the 16th, wounded in the head. Prisoners taken report that the enemy were commanded by Gen. Gregg. I should mention that the enemy, on their entrance into Shepherdstown, found fifty or sixty of our sick and wounded, who were told they would be paroled and those physically able carried off; but the issue of the fight was so unexpected to them they were compelled to leave the intended prisoners behind. "All is quiet" in and along the lines, and this is all I am at lib
who greatly exposed themselves leading and encouraging the men, and forming conspicuous marks for the enemy's sharpshooters. Col. Drake, 1st Va., and Adj't Barbour, 17th Va., are reported killed; the latter while cheering the men to a charge. Col. Gregg, of Lee's brigade, reported mortally wounded, and Major Jos. H. Newman, of the 16th, wounded in the head. Prisoners taken report that the enemy were commanded by Gen. Gregg. I should mention that the enemy, on their entrance into ShepGen. Gregg. I should mention that the enemy, on their entrance into Shepherdstown, found fifty or sixty of our sick and wounded, who were told they would be paroled and those physically able carried off; but the issue of the fight was so unexpected to them they were compelled to leave the intended prisoners behind. "All is quiet" in and along the lines, and this is all I am at liberty to report at this writing. The movements of the army since the great battle of Gettysburg, which are as well known to the enemy as ourselves, may be briefly summed up as follows:
July 18th, 1863 AD (search for this): article 5
Our army correspondence. Army Northern Virginia, July 18th, 1863. The heavy cannonading heard in the direction of Shepherdstown Thursday originated from a severe cavalry fight, of which you have been advised by telegraph. I will now furnish you the particulars as they have been ascertained. After the return of Gen. Lee's army to Virginia, the enemy, evidently too much crippled for immediate pursuit, and desirous of ascertaining our movements and feeling our position, dispatched a large body of cavalry down the river to accomplish this object, if possible. They crossed at Harper's Ferry, where pontoon bridges were thrown across for the purpose, and proceeded up the river as far as Shepherdstown, where they arrived on Wednesday; then coming down the Leetown and Winchester road to the distance of about five miles, halted. Meantime, Fitzhugh Lee, who was in the vicinity and hearing of their whereabouts, proceeded up the Shepherdstown road for the purpose of checking the
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