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Gillmore 21 17 Browse Search
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Lawrence, Kansas (Kansas, United States) 12 2 Browse Search
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Knoxville (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 8
ls were on the lookout, and the cars were filled with fence rails, ready to fire on the approach of our troops. The train was run over the bridge across the Yallabusha, and the bridge burned. Fifty-seven locomotives and four hundred cars were destroyed by the rebels. This makes seventy seven locomotives and six hundred cars captured or destroyed, as the direct result of the Vicksburg campaign. The following paragraph is from the Chicago Times: Rosecrans's army is nearing Chattanooga, where Bragg is strongly posted, and a battle any day is a matter of probable occurrence. Burnside's advance is moving steadily on-ward, and will, it is stated, reach Knoxville, Tenn., within two weeks. The New York Evening Post, of the 26th, says: The news of the capture of Fort Sumter and of Gen. Gillmore's demand for the surrender of Charleston has caused a fall of 1 per cent. in gold, which closes dull at 123¼ Exchange, in sympathy with gold, has declined to 136 136½.
Bluffton (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 8
ivil or intestine war. He characterizes all who call to their aid such material, in the language of the publicists, as barbarians, &c. In conclusion, he asks whether the acts which resulted in the burning of the villages of Darien, Ga., and Bluffton, and the ravages on the Combahee, are regarded by Gen. Gillmore as legitimate measures of war, which he will feel authorized to resort to hereafter. He forwarded accounts taken from Northern papers of the raids on Darien, Bluffton, Combahee, &cBluffton, Combahee, &c. Gen. Gillmore to Gen. Beauregard. Gen. Gillmore addresses Gen. Beauregard from headquarters, in the field, Morris Island, under date of July 18, and acknowledges the receipt of Gen. Beauregard's communication of July 4, written with a view of effecting some understanding as to the future conduct of the war in this quarter. He states that, while he and his Government will scrupulously endeavor to conduct the war upon principles established by usage among civilized nations, he shall ex
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): article 8
ter their entrance into Kansas other scouts brought word to that effect. The information was at once communicated to all the stations on the border, and to the district headquarters at Kansas City, 35 miles north of Aubry. A delay of three or four hours occurred at each station to gather in part of the patrolling and scouting parties, when the pursuit was begun from each station separately, leaving a portion of the troops to watch the border, and endeavor to prevent Quantrell's return to Missouri. Quantrell's men told many persons, before reaching Lawrence, that they were going there to destroy the town, but by some strange fatality the people along the route, who might easily have got word to Lawrence, did not try. A messenger, sent by Capt. Coleman to notify the people of Lawrence of Quantrell's approach, failed to get through. Quantrell obtained a supply of fresh horses at Lawrence, which enabled him to outstrip and elude the pursuit of our soldiers, whose horses w
Lawrence, Kansas (Kansas, United States) (search for this): article 8
the correspondence closes for the present. The attack on Lawrence, Kansas.--pursuit of the guerillas. The Northern papers publish a list of 28 names of persons killed in Lawrence, Kansas, by Quantrell's guerillas. A dispatch from Kansas City, dated the 25th, says: Qua Grand river, Gass county, about noon the day after the burning of Lawrence, and there divided into squads of forty and fifty, and scattered i Missouri. Quantrell's men told many persons, before reaching Lawrence, that they were going there to destroy the town, but by some strany. A messenger, sent by Capt. Coleman to notify the people of Lawrence of Quantrell's approach, failed to get through. Quantrell obtained a supply of fresh horses at Lawrence, which enabled him to outstrip and elude the pursuit of our soldiers, whose horses were nearly exhausted. When they reached him, six miles south of Lawrence, the citizens who joined in the pursuit were able to keep up with the enemy, and o
United States (United States) (search for this): article 8
eous. A dispatch, dated Washington the 25th, says that information of the most reliable character, from parties who have very recently passed along the whole route from Richmond to Culpeper Court-House, show that Gen. Lee's army is at present about 60,000 strong. Lee's headquarters are within a few miles of the Court-House. Hill's and Ewell's corps are in that vicinity, Long street's is at Fredericksburg, and Stuart's cavalry guarding the various fords of the Rappahannock. The United States sloop-of-war Bainbridge is reported to have foundered at sea, with the loss of all her officers and crew, excepting one colored man, who was picked up at sea by the brig South Boston, which has arrived at Philadelphia. This man states that the Bainbridge foundered on the 21st, during a violent gale. One other man escaped on the boat, but subsequently went crazy and jumped overboard. The Bainbridge left New York on the 18th for Port Royal, where she was to be used as a storeship. She
City Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 8
Later from the Notrh. A flag of truce boat, with 610 exchanged prisoners and dispatches for Commissioner Ould, arrived at City Point yesterday. We have received, through the courtesy of the officers of the Exchange Bureau, Northern dates of the evening of the 26th inst. There is nothing of importance in them. We give a summary of the news: Latest from Charleston — the effect of the Yankee fire. "C. C. F.," the "Off Charleston" correspondent of the Baltimore American, writing Saturday, August 22d, says: -- "Should there be no accidents, to-night the "Old Flag" will wave over Fort Sumter to-morrow morning." The following are his dispatches to that paper: Off Charleston, August 22, 1863. A flag of truce was sent to battery Wagner on Friday morning, and the firing ceased during the interval. When it was reopened again Gen. Gillmore notified Gen. Beauregard that he would commence to shell the city of Charleston within forty-eight hours. requesting him to remove
Darien, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 8
results of a civil or intestine war. He characterizes all who call to their aid such material, in the language of the publicists, as barbarians, &c. In conclusion, he asks whether the acts which resulted in the burning of the villages of Darien, Ga., and Bluffton, and the ravages on the Combahee, are regarded by Gen. Gillmore as legitimate measures of war, which he will feel authorized to resort to hereafter. He forwarded accounts taken from Northern papers of the raids on Darien, BlufftDarien, Bluffton, Combahee, &c. Gen. Gillmore to Gen. Beauregard. Gen. Gillmore addresses Gen. Beauregard from headquarters, in the field, Morris Island, under date of July 18, and acknowledges the receipt of Gen. Beauregard's communication of July 4, written with a view of effecting some understanding as to the future conduct of the war in this quarter. He states that, while he and his Government will scrupulously endeavor to conduct the war upon principles established by usage among civilized nati
Nicaragua (Nicaragua) (search for this): article 8
y and jumped overboard. The Bainbridge left New York on the 18th for Port Royal, where she was to be used as a storeship. She was one of the oldest vessels in the U. S. navy. A disastrous affair occurred at Vicksburg recently. The steamer City of Madison was loading with ammunition, when an accidental explosion occurred, and the boat, with all its contents, was destroyed. Of one hundred and sixty men on board only four are known to have escaped. Col. Charles Carroll Hicks, of Nicaragua fame, lately of the rebel army, who abandoned the Confederacy some time ago, was on Wednesday released from the Old Capitol prison, after an imprisonment of one hundred and ninety days. Cavalry expeditions sent from Vicksburg and Memphis met at Grenada — the object to capture or destroy the cars and locomotives run there from Jackson by the rebels. The rebels were on the lookout, and the cars were filled with fence rails, ready to fire on the approach of our troops. The train was ru
Kansas (Kansas, United States) (search for this): article 8
y, Johnston, and the border counties, on Thursday noon, at the head of Middle fork of Grand river, fifteen miles from the Kansas line, and the same day started for Kansas. Our scouts brought word that afternoon to the military station at Aubry, six Kansas. Our scouts brought word that afternoon to the military station at Aubry, six miles north of the place where they crossed the line, of the assembling on Grand river, and an hour after their entrance into Kansas other scouts brought word to that effect. The information was at once communicated to all the stations on the borderKansas other scouts brought word to that effect. The information was at once communicated to all the stations on the border, and to the district headquarters at Kansas City, 35 miles north of Aubry. A delay of three or four hours occurred at each station to gather in part of the patrolling and scouting parties, when the pursuit was begun from each station separately, ld all night in finding it.--No damage was done by Quantrell from the time our forces came up with him until he got out of Kansas. The pursuit was so close he was compelled to abandon most of the horses they were leading and goods stolen from Lawrenc
Bedford (Missouri, United States) (search for this): article 8
ons killed in Lawrence, Kansas, by Quantrell's guerillas. A dispatch from Kansas City, dated the 25th, says: Quantrell's force reached the head waters of Grand river, Gass county, about noon the day after the burning of Lawrence, and there divided into squads of forty and fifty, and scattered in various directions. Our trooe was three hundred selected men, who assembled from Lafayette, Saline, Clay, Johnston, and the border counties, on Thursday noon, at the head of Middle fork of Grand river, fifteen miles from the Kansas line, and the same day started for Kansas. Our scouts brought word that afternoon to the military station at Aubry, six miles north of the place where they crossed the line, of the assembling on Grand river, and an hour after their entrance into Kansas other scouts brought word to that effect. The information was at once communicated to all the stations on the border, and to the district headquarters at Kansas City, 35 miles north of Aubry. A delay of th
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