Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 4, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Burnside or search for Burnside in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: September 4, 1863., [Electronic resource], From Tennessee — the evacuation of Knoxville. (search)
graphic communication direct with Knoxville, the telegraph operator having left there two or three days ago. The people from London county, below Knoxville, are bringing their negroes and chattels with them to Bristol, on the Virginia line. Burnside's force is reported to be 30,000, though the report is thought to be exaggerated. He was in London county, about twenty-nine miles from the city on Monday, but was not advancing rapidly, and had not sent forward troops to occupy it in force, fo the balls indicated a distance of some two or three miles. The general position of the enemy remains unchanged. Reports from our outposts come in, affirmative of cavalry skirmishing. There have been demonstrations made by the advance of Burnside. No news from Bridgeport. The number of shells and round shot fired into Chattanooga on Thursday was 280.--There was any amount of "artful dodging" during the shelling of the town by the enemy, and the running scenes presented on the s