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Gen. Lee's army. --The correspondent of the Mobile Register, writing from Orange Court-House, August 17th, furnishes the following: Gen. Lee's army is well rested again. The ranks are filling up fast, and the men are ready for another trGen. Lee's army is well rested again. The ranks are filling up fast, and the men are ready for another trial whenever the Yanks feel inclined. We are not half whipped yet, and don't intend to be. Keep the people up to the work in Alabama and Mississippi, and all will be right again. Never say die; "there's life in the old land yet." Gen. Lee is mGen. Lee is making every exertion to get back the thousands of officers and men who have so long been absent from the army.--Many of them are really sick and wounded, and unable to return; but most of them are "heroes of the Peninsula," who did not relish their faign that has any shadow of a chance to take Richmond, and we must have men to avert it. To meet this exigency I learn General Lee will soon publish an order requiring all absentees able to travel, to report in person to their commands for examinati
The Daily Dispatch: September 4, 1863., [Electronic resource], From Tennessee — the evacuation of Knoxville. (search)
The spirit of the army. --Every letter that appears from Gen. Lee's army breathes the highest spirit. There is something affecting, grand, and sublime in the magnificent courage of these heroes — a courage which not only scorns the perils of the battle-field, but is proof against the unmanly croaking at home of men who have never yet heard a bullet whistle, but have been living in security and plenty during the whole of the war. It is a humiliating truth that the only sections of the country in which repining, disloyalty, and treason have found utterance are the most remote from the seat of hostility and danger, whose people have never been disturbed even by raids, who have been making money out of refugees, and out of everybody and everything else which could be turned into gold. With these exceptions, and others who have managed to find exemption from the toils and perils of the strife, there is a universal determination never to make any terms except entire and eternal separ