Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 14, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for September, 9 AD or search for September, 9 AD in all documents.

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nforce Gen. Shackelford, who was here with two regiments of cavalry, Col. DeCourey being on the Kentucky side with a brigade which I started in that direction before leaving Kentucky. The infantry brigade marched from Knoxville to this place, sixty miles, in fifty-two hours. The garrison here, consisting of over 2,000 men and 14 pieces of artillery, made an unconditional surrender at 3 o'clock P. M. today, without a fight. A dispatch from Gen. Rosecrans, dated camp near Trenton, Ga., Sept. 9th, 8.30 P. M., says Chattanooga is ours without a struggle and East Tennessee is free. Our move on the enemy's flank and rear progresses, while the tail of his retreating column will not escape unmolested. Our troops from this side entered Chattanooga about noon. Those north of the river there are crossing. From Texas. New Orleans dates to the 6th inst., via Cairo, had been received. An officer from Brashear city states that a deserter from a Texas regiment, who came in on S