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s Valley, through Dade county, Ga., in considerable force to flank Bragg's army on the left, by way of Rome, and the cavalry reached Alpine, in Chattanooga county, Ga., on the Alabama line, twenty-eight miles northwest of Rome. On the 9th of September they had a skirmish with Col. Avery, commanding the 3d and 4th Georgia cavalry, who fell back after a hard fight. The movement was anticipated. In the meantime, most of Burnside's forces are understood to have joined Rosecrans, and pressed in considerable force on towards Bragg through the gaps of the mountains in Walker and Chattanooga counties, Ga. Small parties of the enemy's cavalry have visited Tunnell Hill, Catoosa, and Dalton, on the State road. It is reported that Gen. Forrest was wounded in a skirmish near Dalton yesterday. It is believed the main body of Rosecrans's army has fallen back to Chattanooga.--He has refused, and it is believed will still refuse, to give Bragg battle, but will aim at wintering in Chattanooga.