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The Daily Dispatch: September 21, 1863., [Electronic resource], White Recruits Flogged by Provost Marshals. (search)
of Dalton, and thirty-three miles south of Chattanooga; but it has been driven back, and on Sunday Gen. Forrest's headquarters were at Ringgold, twenty-three miles below Chattanooga. Trains were run as far as Dalton yesterday, and an engine to Catoosa. Of the losses on either side during the skirmishing on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, we have been unable to obtain any information. We have seen a private letter, dated Dalton, Sept. 13th, 6 o'clock P. M., which says: "Our forces ae no tidings. We have everything ready to leave at a moment's warning." In the progress on the road the enemy destroyed all the bridges above Ringgold, and three on this side. The tunnel is uninjured. Other damage to railroad property at Catoosa and Chickamauga has been correctly stated. We learn upon what we deem reliable authority, that the Federal report of the surrender of Cumberland Gap is untrue. We also learn from the same authority that Knoxville would in all probability b