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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 8, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen Bragg or search for Gen Bragg in all documents.
Your search returned 7 results in 3 document sections:
From General Bragg's army.[from our own correspondent.] Lookout Mountain, Sept. 30.
No change has taken place in the situation of affairs since the date of my last letter, except in the ext a, and of our own. The town is completely invested on the South side of the Tennessee river by Gen. Bragg's forces.
We hold Missionary Ridge in front of the place, Lookout Mountain and the Nashville ine, and consequently is a crescent in form.--These facts are as well known to Rosecrans as to Gen. Bragg; for the high hill in rear of the town gives the former a full view of our position, and there
Lieut. Gen. Polk and Major-Gen. Hindman have been relieved of their commands by order of Gen Bragg for alleged disobedience of orders.
It is reported that Gen. Hindman was ordered to occupy a , the hour at which his guns first opened.
Gov. Brown, of Georgia, arrived here yesterday, and to-day he is visiting our lines, accompanied by Gen. Bragg, Gen. McLaws, and Gen. Walker. Sallust.
From Bragg's army.
Missionary Ridge, via Chickamauga, October 5.--We opened upon Chattanooga at 1 o'clock A. M. from Lookout Mountain and other points along our line, our shells exploding in the enemy's camps as well as in the city, setting fire to a house.
The enemy replied briskly from Moccasin Point to our mortars on Lookout, and feebly from the star fort and casemated fort.
The firing still continues.
It is reported that General Wheeler has captured and burned five hundred wagons belonging to the enemy.
[second Dispatch.]
Missionary Ridge, via Chickamauga, October 6.--The Tennessee river is rising rapidly.
It has swept away the lower pontoon bridge of the enemy and submerged the trestle bridge.
Prisoners and deserters confirm the capture of the enemy's wagon train by Gen. Wheeler.
Major S. P. Mitchell, Chief Quartermaster of Gen. Longstreet's corps, died last night of diphtheria.
Colonel Joe Lewis, of the Sixth Kentucky regiment, has been appointed