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Marietta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 2
r stores in proportion. At McMinnville he also destroyed two trains of cars loaded for Chattanooga, and also the railroad track for nearly fifteen miles. He then destroyed the track on the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad, for nearly twenty miles below Murfreesboro'. His loss was three pieces of artillery, and about one thousand men in killed, wounded and prisoners, the most of them being prisoners. In connection with the above we extract the following, from a special to the Rebel, at Marietta, dated the 17th inst., which states that after he paroled the prisoners captured "he then dashed on and destroyed the bridge over Stono and Duck rivers, while Wharton threatened Murfreesboro'. Wharton then joined Wheeler at Shelbyville. The enemy were reinforced and fought and drove Wheeler back. He retreated across the Tennessee river near Courtland, Ala. Our loss heavy, but it was a brilliant exploit. Roddy is reported to have blown up the tunnel at Cowans." The situation of affai
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 2
different from all other occasions of the kind, except that the brigades were not as full as usual, by reason of the strong details on picket and at work.--The cortege rode down the line, the bands played the President, with hat off, saluted the war-worn banners, so often stirred by battle breezes, and then moved on from right to left. As the cavalcade progressed it gathered strength and interest, and by the time it reached the division of Gen. Hood, now commanded by Gen. M. Jenkins, of South Carolina, presented a striking subject for the painter or historian. We saw grouped together, in a picturesque cluster, around the chief of all, officers whose traces have been written on every battle-field, and whose names are household words. General Bragg, Lieut. Generals Longstreet and D. H. Hill, Major-Generals Chestham, Buckner, Breckinridge, Mclawa, Walker, Cleburne, and Stuart; Brigadier-Generals (commanding divisions) Preston and Jenkins; Brigadier-Generals Gist, Mackall, and others wh
Lookout Mountain, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 2
lown up the tunnel at Cowans." The situation of affairs. The question which now recurs is: At what point is Rosecrans likely to develop his intention ? I believe that it will be on the left of our line, and for the following reasons: Lookout Mountain, which is now in our possession, is as essential to the Federal commander, if he has determined to hold Chattanooga as a base of further operations, as Nashville, Murfreesboro', or Bridgeport, for the simple reason that it commands the railrtion for offence or defence in this entire region. That Rosecrans has fastened his eye on this point is evident from the fact that he is now building a bridge across Chattanooga creek, near its union with the Tennessee, and near the base of Lookout Mountain.-- Across the Tennessee, on what is called the "Moccasin," formed by a graceful bend of the river, the Federals have erected a fortification, from whose guns projectiles are thrown to the summit of the mountain, and a persevering attempt is
Columbia, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 2
es. He then destroyed the track on the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad, for nearly twenty miles below Murfreesboro'. His loss was three pieces of artillery, and about one thousand men in killed, wounded and prisoners, the most of them being prisoners. In connection with the above we extract the following, from a special to the Rebel, at Marietta, dated the 17th inst., which states that after he paroled the prisoners captured "he then dashed on and destroyed the bridge over Stono and Duck rivers, while Wharton threatened Murfreesboro'. Wharton then joined Wheeler at Shelbyville. The enemy were reinforced and fought and drove Wheeler back. He retreated across the Tennessee river near Courtland, Ala. Our loss heavy, but it was a brilliant exploit. Roddy is reported to have blown up the tunnel at Cowans." The situation of affairs. The question which now recurs is: At what point is Rosecrans likely to develop his intention ? I believe that it will be on the left of our lin
Stono River (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 2
y fifteen miles. He then destroyed the track on the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad, for nearly twenty miles below Murfreesboro'. His loss was three pieces of artillery, and about one thousand men in killed, wounded and prisoners, the most of them being prisoners. In connection with the above we extract the following, from a special to the Rebel, at Marietta, dated the 17th inst., which states that after he paroled the prisoners captured "he then dashed on and destroyed the bridge over Stono and Duck rivers, while Wharton threatened Murfreesboro'. Wharton then joined Wheeler at Shelbyville. The enemy were reinforced and fought and drove Wheeler back. He retreated across the Tennessee river near Courtland, Ala. Our loss heavy, but it was a brilliant exploit. Roddy is reported to have blown up the tunnel at Cowans." The situation of affairs. The question which now recurs is: At what point is Rosecrans likely to develop his intention ? I believe that it will be on the le
McMinnville (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 2
chie Valley, ten hundred and sixty of which he destroyed, and the remainder he succeeded in bringing safely across the Tennessee. He shot upwards of thirty-five hundred mules, and brought out with him nearly one thousand horses and mules. At McMinnville he destroyed thirty days rations for Rosecrans's entire army, including fifteen hundred sacks of green coffee, and twenty five hundred barrels of parched coffee, with other stores in proportion. At McMinnville he also destroyed two trains of McMinnville he also destroyed two trains of cars loaded for Chattanooga, and also the railroad track for nearly fifteen miles. He then destroyed the track on the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad, for nearly twenty miles below Murfreesboro'. His loss was three pieces of artillery, and about one thousand men in killed, wounded and prisoners, the most of them being prisoners. In connection with the above we extract the following, from a special to the Rebel, at Marietta, dated the 17th inst., which states that after he paroled the pris
Chattanooga Creek (United States) (search for this): article 2
operations, as Nashville, Murfreesboro', or Bridgeport, for the simple reason that it commands the railroad, contains several important passes, and is a standing threat over Chattanooga.--Once possessed by the enemy it relieves their wagon trains, enables them to provision their army, and gives them the most valuable position for offence or defence in this entire region. That Rosecrans has fastened his eye on this point is evident from the fact that he is now building a bridge across Chattanooga creek, near its union with the Tennessee, and near the base of Lookout Mountain.-- Across the Tennessee, on what is called the "Moccasin," formed by a graceful bend of the river, the Federals have erected a fortification, from whose guns projectiles are thrown to the summit of the mountain, and a persevering attempt is daily made to annoy us in our occupation. Much ammunition has been thus expended by the Federals, but little has been accomplished. We receive their fire with a dignified si
Shelbyville, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 2
twenty miles below Murfreesboro'. His loss was three pieces of artillery, and about one thousand men in killed, wounded and prisoners, the most of them being prisoners. In connection with the above we extract the following, from a special to the Rebel, at Marietta, dated the 17th inst., which states that after he paroled the prisoners captured "he then dashed on and destroyed the bridge over Stono and Duck rivers, while Wharton threatened Murfreesboro'. Wharton then joined Wheeler at Shelbyville. The enemy were reinforced and fought and drove Wheeler back. He retreated across the Tennessee river near Courtland, Ala. Our loss heavy, but it was a brilliant exploit. Roddy is reported to have blown up the tunnel at Cowans." The situation of affairs. The question which now recurs is: At what point is Rosecrans likely to develop his intention ? I believe that it will be on the left of our line, and for the following reasons: Lookout Mountain, which is now in our possession,
Tennessee River (United States) (search for this): article 2
n killed, wounded and prisoners, the most of them being prisoners. In connection with the above we extract the following, from a special to the Rebel, at Marietta, dated the 17th inst., which states that after he paroled the prisoners captured "he then dashed on and destroyed the bridge over Stono and Duck rivers, while Wharton threatened Murfreesboro'. Wharton then joined Wheeler at Shelbyville. The enemy were reinforced and fought and drove Wheeler back. He retreated across the Tennessee river near Courtland, Ala. Our loss heavy, but it was a brilliant exploit. Roddy is reported to have blown up the tunnel at Cowans." The situation of affairs. The question which now recurs is: At what point is Rosecrans likely to develop his intention ? I believe that it will be on the left of our line, and for the following reasons: Lookout Mountain, which is now in our possession, is as essential to the Federal commander, if he has determined to hold Chattanooga as a base of furthe
Courtland, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): article 2
prisoners, the most of them being prisoners. In connection with the above we extract the following, from a special to the Rebel, at Marietta, dated the 17th inst., which states that after he paroled the prisoners captured "he then dashed on and destroyed the bridge over Stono and Duck rivers, while Wharton threatened Murfreesboro'. Wharton then joined Wheeler at Shelbyville. The enemy were reinforced and fought and drove Wheeler back. He retreated across the Tennessee river near Courtland, Ala. Our loss heavy, but it was a brilliant exploit. Roddy is reported to have blown up the tunnel at Cowans." The situation of affairs. The question which now recurs is: At what point is Rosecrans likely to develop his intention ? I believe that it will be on the left of our line, and for the following reasons: Lookout Mountain, which is now in our possession, is as essential to the Federal commander, if he has determined to hold Chattanooga as a base of further operations, as Nash
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