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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: November 5, 1863., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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United States (United States) (search for this): article 4
on has recently come to light, implicating several persons in this city, Columbus, Covington, and Newport, in conspiring to release the rebel prisoners at Camp Chase, and overthrow the State Government. The conspiracy was brought to light by United States detectives, who were supposed by the parties implicated to be spies from the rebel army, and were treated with full confidence. The plot, as disclosed to the detectives, was, that an attack was to be made on Camp Chase, release the rebelfamatory" of the Abolition militia of that State. Major Mosby, the famous guerilla, dined in the Marshall House, at Alexandria, on September 30th, and then had the impudence to inform the public of the fact by placarding it in chalk on a dead wall in town over his own signature. The Chicago Tribune says: "We have an intimation that Gen. Halleck is shortly to be removed from the chief command of the armies of the United States. " Gold was quoted in New York on Saturday at 146½.
Covington (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): article 4
he following telegram. Cincinnati, Nov. 1.--An extraordinary case of treason has recently come to light, implicating several persons in this city, Columbus, Covington, and Newport, in conspiring to release the rebel prisoners at Camp Chase, and overthrow the State Government. The conspiracy was brought to light by United Statly School Commissioner of Ohio; J. D. Crensoss, of Columbus, formerly sutler in the 18th regulars, who were to lead the attack on Camp Chase; James D. Patton, of Covington, a regular agent of the rebel Government, who furnished money to detectives under the impression that they were spies, and, according to agreement, were to meet Cathcart and the others at Camp Chase, and assist in maturing the plan of attack. Ruth McDonald, of Covington, who acted as mail carrier through the rebel lines, whose house was the headquarters of the rebels; Sam P. Thomas, merchant tailor of Cincinnati, and his wife, and Catherine Parmenter, of Cincinnati. Information has been
Iowa (Iowa, United States) (search for this): article 4
valry, with other regiments, met the enemy in the vicinity of that place, where they had a severe engagement. The loss of the 7th Kansas was three killed and nine wounded, and the other regiments suffered in about the same proportion. The rebels lost nine left killed on the field and 100 prisoners, while our forces occupied the site of battle in undisturbed possession. Miscellaneous. Gen. Butler has been assigned to the command of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina. Iowa has given a majority of 25,000 for the Republican ticket. Of eighty two counties only fourteen give Democratic majorities. From Arkansas we learn that Gen. Marmaduke was at Arkadelphia with the cavalry of General Holmes's command. Dobbs, a notorious guerilla, had been captured. Col. Chas. R. Ellett, commanding the Mississippi marine brigade, died suddenly at Bunker Hill, Ill., on the 29th ult. D. K. Abel, editor of the St. Joseph's (Mo.) Tribune, has been arrested for publish
Tennessee River (United States) (search for this): article 4
. Information has been obtained that the organization exists in Illinois, waiting for the outbreak in Ohio. Other particulars are known to the authorities, but have not yet been made public. From East Tennessee. The papers publish the following two dispatches relative to affairs in East Tennessee: Chattanooga, Oct. 27, (via Nashville, Oct. 28.)--Unreliable intelligence has been received on the movement or a portion of Bragg's army, under Longstreet, up the valley of the Tennessee river, with the intention of operating against General Burnside. It is also believed here that a corps of Lee's army, under Ewell, is moving into East Tennessee, by way of Lynchburg, for the same purpose. Knoxville, Oct. 30, (via Louisville, Nov. 1.)--Our forces which occupied London have retreated to the north side of the river, and now occupy the heights commanding London. The other dispositions of our troops remain unchanged. From the army of the Potomac. Furloughs for 15 d
Arkadelphia (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): article 4
egiments suffered in about the same proportion. The rebels lost nine left killed on the field and 100 prisoners, while our forces occupied the site of battle in undisturbed possession. Miscellaneous. Gen. Butler has been assigned to the command of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina. Iowa has given a majority of 25,000 for the Republican ticket. Of eighty two counties only fourteen give Democratic majorities. From Arkansas we learn that Gen. Marmaduke was at Arkadelphia with the cavalry of General Holmes's command. Dobbs, a notorious guerilla, had been captured. Col. Chas. R. Ellett, commanding the Mississippi marine brigade, died suddenly at Bunker Hill, Ill., on the 29th ult. D. K. Abel, editor of the St. Joseph's (Mo.) Tribune, has been arrested for publishing articles "defamatory" of the Abolition militia of that State. Major Mosby, the famous guerilla, dined in the Marshall House, at Alexandria, on September 30th, and then had the im
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): article 4
t, who furnished money to detectives under the impression that they were spies, and, according to agreement, were to meet Cathcart and the others at Camp Chase, and assist in maturing the plan of attack. Ruth McDonald, of Covington, who acted as mail carrier through the rebel lines, whose house was the headquarters of the rebels; Sam P. Thomas, merchant tailor of Cincinnati, and his wife, and Catherine Parmenter, of Cincinnati. Information has been obtained that the organization exists in Illinois, waiting for the outbreak in Ohio. Other particulars are known to the authorities, but have not yet been made public. From East Tennessee. The papers publish the following two dispatches relative to affairs in East Tennessee: Chattanooga, Oct. 27, (via Nashville, Oct. 28.)--Unreliable intelligence has been received on the movement or a portion of Bragg's army, under Longstreet, up the valley of the Tennessee river, with the intention of operating against General Burnside. I
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): article 4
three killed and nine wounded, and the other regiments suffered in about the same proportion. The rebels lost nine left killed on the field and 100 prisoners, while our forces occupied the site of battle in undisturbed possession. Miscellaneous. Gen. Butler has been assigned to the command of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina. Iowa has given a majority of 25,000 for the Republican ticket. Of eighty two counties only fourteen give Democratic majorities. From Arkansas we learn that Gen. Marmaduke was at Arkadelphia with the cavalry of General Holmes's command. Dobbs, a notorious guerilla, had been captured. Col. Chas. R. Ellett, commanding the Mississippi marine brigade, died suddenly at Bunker Hill, Ill., on the 29th ult. D. K. Abel, editor of the St. Joseph's (Mo.) Tribune, has been arrested for publishing articles "defamatory" of the Abolition militia of that State. Major Mosby, the famous guerilla, dined in the Marshall House, at Alex
Bunker Hill (Illinois, United States) (search for this): article 4
laneous. Gen. Butler has been assigned to the command of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina. Iowa has given a majority of 25,000 for the Republican ticket. Of eighty two counties only fourteen give Democratic majorities. From Arkansas we learn that Gen. Marmaduke was at Arkadelphia with the cavalry of General Holmes's command. Dobbs, a notorious guerilla, had been captured. Col. Chas. R. Ellett, commanding the Mississippi marine brigade, died suddenly at Bunker Hill, Ill., on the 29th ult. D. K. Abel, editor of the St. Joseph's (Mo.) Tribune, has been arrested for publishing articles "defamatory" of the Abolition militia of that State. Major Mosby, the famous guerilla, dined in the Marshall House, at Alexandria, on September 30th, and then had the impudence to inform the public of the fact by placarding it in chalk on a dead wall in town over his own signature. The Chicago Tribune says: "We have an intimation that Gen. Halleck is shortly
Holly Springs (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): article 4
ntention to fight is merely to conceal his real weakness. Sherman's corps in Mississippi. A letter from Corinth states that the 15th army corps, under Maj.-Gen. Sherman, and one division of McPherson's 17th corps, had passed through there and advanced as fur as Tuscumbia, without meeting any material opposition. The Mobile and Ohio Road will soon be opened from Columbus to Corinth, and thence to Chattanooga with all possible dispatch. An expedition sent out in the direction of Holly Springs, consisting of the 7th Kansas and 3d Michigan cavalry, with other regiments, met the enemy in the vicinity of that place, where they had a severe engagement. The loss of the 7th Kansas was three killed and nine wounded, and the other regiments suffered in about the same proportion. The rebels lost nine left killed on the field and 100 prisoners, while our forces occupied the site of battle in undisturbed possession. Miscellaneous. Gen. Butler has been assigned to the command o
Newport (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): article 4
unication will be opened between Bridgeport and Chattanooga along the Chattanooga river. High-Handed treason in Ohio — a startling Development — plot to overthrow the State Government — arrest of the Ringleaders. Under this heading, gotten up in a style regardless of the cost of type, the Tribune publishes the following telegram. Cincinnati, Nov. 1.--An extraordinary case of treason has recently come to light, implicating several persons in this city, Columbus, Covington, and Newport, in conspiring to release the rebel prisoners at Camp Chase, and overthrow the State Government. The conspiracy was brought to light by United States detectives, who were supposed by the parties implicated to be spies from the rebel army, and were treated with full confidence. The plot, as disclosed to the detectives, was, that an attack was to be made on Camp Chase, release the rebel prisoners confined there, numbering some 3,500, seize the arsenal at Columbus, take possession of the<
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