Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 10, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Coward or search for Coward in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: November 10, 1863., [Electronic resource], The fight in-lookout Valley — Details of the engagement. (search)
, with his six regiments of South Carolinians, consisting of the First, Col. Kilpatrick, Second, Col. Thompson, Fifth, Col. Coward, Sixth, Lieut.-Col. Steadman Palmetto Sharp shooters, Col. Walker, and Hampton Legion, Col. M. W. Gary, now moved downe same time the Federal battery. Meanwhile, Col. M. W. Gary, of the Hampton Legion, being ordered to the right of Col. Coward, and securing an-opportunity, assumed the responsibility of making a flank or "Jackson" movement on the Federal left, n minutes more the guns would have been ours, and Gary only waited to re form his front and receive the cooperation of Col. Coward. At this juncture, in consequence of the presence of the enemy from the direction of Brown's Ferry, hereafter exp always admirable, never was put to a severer test. The movement rearward, however, was slowly made, Colonels Walker and Coward forming a fresh line of battle at various intervals, and the Hampton Legion shooting the horses and mules, which, being u