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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 20, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for 1881 AD or search for 1881 AD in all documents.
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The Daily Dispatch: November 20, 1863., [Electronic resource], Financial and Commercial. (search)
Financial and Commercial.
Since our last report specie has gone up considerably.
We now quote $15 as the buying, and $16 as the selling price for gold.
Sliver is bought by the brokers at $12, and sold at $13.
Bank Notes.--Southern bank notes are bought by the brokers at $2.75, and sold at $3.
Bonds and Stocks.--At the auction sale of Lancaster & Co., on Wednesday, bonds and stocks commanded the following figures: Confederate 8 per cent. coupons, 1881, 114; do., 1871, 112; registered bonds, 1868-'9, 110; convertibles, 113 to 115; 15 million loan coupons, 190; do. registered bonds, 152½ to 155; Virginia registered bonds, 1891-'94, 253; do., 1890, 255; do., 1887, 257; registered bonds, past-due, 197 to 198, North Carolina 8's, coupons' 235; city of Richmond 6's, 246; Lynchburg coupon bonds, 255; Norfolk bonds, registered, 165 to 166; Alexandria coupon bonds, 255; Va. and Tenn. railroad bonds, second mortgage, 242; Va. Central railroad bonds, second mortgage, 245; Va. Cen