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Burnside 17 1 Browse Search
Georgia (Georgia, United States) 12 0 Browse Search
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Rosecrans 11 7 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: November 23, 1863., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

Found 25 total hits in 11 results.

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The late Gen, Rosecrans. --The New York Herald, has an editorial article upon General Rosecrans's removal, in which the following appears: General Rosecrans in 1861 laid before the Government a plan by which he could operate from Western Virginia upon the rebel position at Manassas and flank it. Though practicable, it was not acted upon. In the next year he projected a plan for the capture of Lynchburg, which would have give us possession of the Virginia and Tennessee railroad. Gen. McClellan and the Secretary of War both approved of this plan; but "the clamor of politicians and the necessities of military rank compelled the Administration to create the Mountain Department for the benefit of other Generals;" and thus, "to please a political faction, a practical plan of operations which would have proved of immense advantage to the Federal arms was thrown aside, and the season frittered away in a campaign barren of results." Had General Rosecrans's second plan been acted u
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