Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 17, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen Bragg or search for Gen Bragg in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: December 17, 1863., [Electronic resource], The Turning Point in Bragg's late defeat — the breaking of the "Left Centre." (search)
The Turning Point in Bragg's late defeat — the breaking of the "Left Centre." An officer who was engaged at the point where the "left centre" broke, in Gen. Bragg's late defeat, writes an account of the fighting there to the Mobile Register. It will be read with interest: When the advance of the enemy's lines commenced I beheld the grandest sight that I ever witnessed. Three lines of battle, extending as far as you could see to the right and left, all advancing at the same time, wiGen. Bragg's late defeat, writes an account of the fighting there to the Mobile Register. It will be read with interest: When the advance of the enemy's lines commenced I beheld the grandest sight that I ever witnessed. Three lines of battle, extending as far as you could see to the right and left, all advancing at the same time, with colors flying, and keeping as accurately dressed as if on drill. Our batteries were posted at intervals along the top of the ridge, and as soon as the Yankee lines commenced. advancing opened upon them with terrible effect. Still they did not waver or falter, but kept steadily At times our shells would plow through their lines, making great gaps in them; but they would close up and come ahead, and never made a break until they came under fire from our line on the top of the ridge. My men
. Adj't and Inspect office. Richmond, Nov. 20, 1863. General: Enclosed please find copy of-a-letter from Gen. Bragg, requesting your restitution to duty, with which it gives the President much pleasure to comply. Your letter of Octo the facts or the case, convinced me that, had the explanations which have since been furnished preceded the order of Gen Bragg relieving Gen-Hindman from command, the order would not, probably; have been issued, and in view of the letter of Gen. Gen. Bragg, of November 15. it is not deemed necessary to the honor of Gen. Hindman, or to the interest of the public service, that the inquiry asked for should be instituted." I enclose you a special order directing you to report for duty to Gen. BrGen. Bragg. Very respectfully, your ob't serv't, S. Cooper, A. and I. G. To Maj. Gen. T. C. Hindman. etc., etc. Headq'rs Department Tennessee, Mission Bridge, Nov. 15, 1863. Mr. President: After your action in the case of Lt. Gen. Pol