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e oath and parole required by General Orders No. 49, for a loyal citizen of the United States residing in a State ever in rebellion, or who has sympathized with the seceding States. (Signed,) --. By command of Maj.-Gen. Butler. (Official.) R. S. Davis, Maj. and A. A. G. Headq'rs 18th Army Corps,Dept. Va. And N. C.,fort Monroe, Va., Dec. 8th, 1863. General orders, no. 48.-- I. All transfers of property or rights of property, real, mixed, personal, or incorporeal, except necessary fsters of the transfer of certificates of stock, or shares in any incorporated or joint stock company or association, in which any inhabitant of this Department who has not returned to his or her allegiance to the United States, (having once been a citizen thereof,) has any interest, are forbidden; and the clerk, or other officer, making or recording the transfer, will be held equally guilty with the transferer. By command of Maj.-Gen. Butler. (Official.) R. S. Davis, Maj. and A. A. Gen.