Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 29, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for 16th or search for 16th in all documents.

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showing a preference for its own, and not yet having taken the Senate bill up. Mr. Cox, of Ohio, is next week to introduce a bill taxing the holders of gold, and bills of exchange, foreign or otherwise, two per cent. per month. The Senate Finance Committee is considering a bill inflicting heavy penalties upon "sales on a margin" of gold, and requiring its actual delivery when purchased. Later from New Orleans — the Texas expedition. The Yankees have dates from New Orleans to the 16th inst. Major-Gen. Herron had arrived at Brownsville, Texas, to take command of the "Army of the Frontier," on the Rio Grande, and Major-Gen. Dana had left to take command of the coast expedition. Governor Serna, of the State of Tamaulipas, Mexico, having levied various sums of money upon American residents of the State, was compelled to refund by Gen. Dana, who, in order to enforce his demands took possession of the ferry-boats at Brownsville and Freeport, and had his forces drawn up with tw
Suicide. --The Greensboro' Motive, of the 16th instant, mentions the case of a boy, thirteen years old, who shot himself through the head, causing instant death, because his mother would not let him go to the army. The lad was the son of Mrs. Forrest, residing in Choctaw county, Miss.