Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 29, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Vance or search for Vance in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: January 29, 1864., [Electronic resource], Re-enlisting for the War in General Lee's army. (search)
25,122,0026,037,546134,861,977 Jan. 16. 24,884,2646,008,132130,311,045 Jan. 23. 24,077,5135,949,807130,136,203 It will be seen by the above that the specie has decreased $806,751, the circulation $158,375, and the deposits $174,843. Miscellaneous. Gen. Steele has been directed to order an election in Arkansas for State officers under the one tenth proclamation. Lincoln has "pardoned" some men calling themselves the Arkansas delegation, who have arrived in Washington. Gen. Vance, captured in East Tennessee, has arrived in Nashville. He was captured by Gen. Sturgis. Gen. Grant is in St. Louis. At a public meeting held at Topeka, Kansas, on the 9th, Mr. Lincoln was nominated for the next Presidency. The Democratic County Convention of Huntington county, Penn., met on the 12th inst., and unanimously nominated Gen. Geo. B. McClellan as the first choice of the Democracy of that county for their Presidential candidate. From Meade's army a picket att
Affairs in East Tennessee. Russellville, Jan. 27. --The enemy evaluated Tazewell yesterday morning, retreating towards Cumberland Gap. Major Day occupied the place the same day, capturing some stores and property. Our troops are being rapidly clothed. Gov. Vance of North Carolina, has kindly offered Gen. Longstreet enough clothing to supply his command. It is to be hoped that a liberal contribution of gloves and socks will be sent forward by private individuals, as much suffering can be prevented thereby.