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which may prove interesting to persons desiring to get through our lines on their way to Yankeedom: Headq'rs 18th army corps,Department of Va., and N. C.,Fort Monroe, Va., Jan. 24, 1864. General Orders, No. 12. Inasmuch as the rebels of the Confederate States are sending their women and children through the lines of this Department, and retaining by law, all able-bodied male persons, it is ordered: I. That no white woman or children will be permitted to come through the lines, without a pass from these headquarters, or the headquarters of the Army of North Carolina. II. All able-bodied men will be received, detained until reported to these headquarters, or the headquarters of the District and Army of North Carolina, and orders are given concerning them. III. Nothing in this order shall be construed in conflict with General Order No. 46, relating to colored persons. By command of Major Gen. Butler. R. S. Davis, Major and Assistant Adjutant General.