Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 13, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John James or search for John James in all documents.

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Hustings Court. --In this Court yesterday the following cases were taken up and disposed of: The charge of larceny preferred against John Kinsman, Wm. Harris and Wm. Roach, was examined into, and the evidence failing to substantiate their guilt, they were acquitted. Claiborne Thomas was convicted of larceny and sentenced to three months confinement in the city jail, and to be put to hard labor. In the case of John James, charged with assault and battery, a nolle prosequi was entered. At the conclusion of testimony in the case against Austin Conly and John Leathers, charged with larceny, Conly was acquitted and Leathers sentenced to three months confinement in jail and put to hard labor. James Brandon was sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and confinement in jail for three months, and Jerry Kenny to pay a fine of $50 and be confined in jail for thirty days, and to be put at hard labor, on the charge of assault and battery and with resisting a police officer w