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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: February 16, 1864., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.
Found 32 total hits in 28 results.
Siana Campbell (search for this): article 12
John Bastin (search for this): article 12
Mayor's Court.
--The following is a summary of the proceedings before the Mayor yesterday:
Cornelius, slave of President Davis, charged with stealing money from his master, and attempting to escape to the Yankees, did not appear, he having escaped from the upper station-house after being locked up therein.
A charge was preferred against William Butler and John Bastin, white boys, of stealing fifteen pairs of cotton cards, worth $800, from Wm. Forbes.
The evidence implicating these boys with the theft, the Mayor remanded them for examination before the Hustings Court.
The charge against Henry, slave of Wright & Ford, of trespassing on the premises of Mrs. Gwathmey, being without a pass, and carrying unlawful weapons, was examined into, and the accused ordered to receive thirty lashes.
Emma Slaughter, a free negress, made her appearance to answer the charge of aiding and abetting Robert, slave of Wm. Gibbes, of Lynchburg, to escape to the Yankees.--The Mayor,
William Gibbes (search for this): article 12
Moses Kaufman (search for this): article 12
Ford (search for this): article 12
Frederick Miller (search for this): article 12
Emma Slaughter (search for this): article 12
Alexander Craig (search for this): article 12
Cornelius (search for this): article 12
Mayor's Court.
--The following is a summary of the proceedings before the Mayor yesterday:
Cornelius, slave of President Davis, charged with stealing money from his master, and attempting to escape to the Yankees, did not appear, he having escaped from the upper station-house after being locked up therein.
A charge was preferred against William Butler and John Bastin, white boys, of stealing fifteen pairs of cotton cards, worth $800, from Wm. Forbes.
The evidence implicating these boys with the theft, the Mayor remanded them for examination before the Hustings Court.
The charge against Henry, slave of Wright & Ford, of trespassing on the premises of Mrs. Gwathmey, being without a pass, and carrying unlawful weapons, was examined into, and the accused ordered to receive thirty lashes.
Emma Slaughter, a free negress, made her appearance to answer the charge of aiding and abetting Robert, slave of Wm. Gibbes, of Lynchburg, to escape to the Yankees.--The Mayor,
Albert Bailey (search for this): article 12