Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 1, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen McClellan or search for Gen McClellan in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: March 1, 1864., [Electronic resource], Yankee Raids on the Virginia Central railroad--damage thus far Trifling — Exciting rumors of the enemy's movements. (search)
nating Convention. What Lincoln's administration has done. Bennett, in commenting upon a recent report which Gen McClellan has published in the North, thus sums up what has been done for the country by interference with, and removal of thatcessary to carry that campaign to a successful issue, caused its failure. The administration, by its suspension of General McClellan in August, 1862, caused the successive disasters of Pope's campaign. And the administration, by the removal of GenGen McClellan in the fall of 1862, caused directly the massacre at Fredericksburg, the greater massacre at Chancellorsville, the advance of Lee into Pennsylvania, where the country was saved by the stubborn qualities of our soldiers, and Lee's eventualation has done; but it has not given an effective blow in the East towards the destruction of the Confederacy since General McClellan was sacrificed to the clamor of the radicals. Affairs at Norfolk. A letter dated Norfolk, February 24, app