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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 25, 1864., [Electronic resource].

Found 235 total hits in 112 results.

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Twenty dollars reward. --Ranaway from my house, on the 9th of March, a negro Woman, named Melitta, about fifty years old, black, a little stooped, rather low. She belongs to the estate of James B Jordan, of Goochland, and hired from T J Jordan, his administrator, She is lurking about the lower end of Goochland, her old neighborhood, or Dover Pits, where her husband is hired. I will give the above reward if delivered to me, on 4th st, between Duval and Baker, or lodged in jail in Richmond James E Ellis. [mh 21--4t*]
March 9th (search for this): article 1
Twenty dollars reward. --Ranaway from my house, on the 9th of March, a negro Woman, named Melitta, about fifty years old, black, a little stooped, rather low. She belongs to the estate of James B Jordan, of Goochland, and hired from T J Jordan, his administrator, She is lurking about the lower end of Goochland, her old neighborhood, or Dover Pits, where her husband is hired. I will give the above reward if delivered to me, on 4th st, between Duval and Baker, or lodged in jail in Richmond James E Ellis. [mh 21--4t*]
Twenty dollars reward. --Ranaway from my house, on the 9th of March, a negro Woman, named Melitta, about fifty years old, black, a little stooped, rather low. She belongs to the estate of James B Jordan, of Goochland, and hired from T J Jordan, his administrator, She is lurking about the lower end of Goochland, her old neighborhood, or Dover Pits, where her husband is hired. I will give the above reward if delivered to me, on 4th st, between Duval and Baker, or lodged in jail in Richmond Ranaway from my house, on the 9th of March, a negro Woman, named Melitta, about fifty years old, black, a little stooped, rather low. She belongs to the estate of James B Jordan, of Goochland, and hired from T J Jordan, his administrator, She is lurking about the lower end of Goochland, her old neighborhood, or Dover Pits, where her husband is hired. I will give the above reward if delivered to me, on 4th st, between Duval and Baker, or lodged in jail in Richmond James E Ellis. [mh 21--4t*]
Twenty dollars reward. --Ranaway from my house, on the 9th of March, a negro Woman, named Melitta, about fifty years old, black, a little stooped, rather low. She belongs to the estate of James B Jordan, of Goochland, and hired from T J Jordan, his administrator, She is lurking about the lower end of Goochland, her old neighborhood, or Dover Pits, where her husband is hired. I will give the above reward if delivered to me, on 4th st, between Duval and Baker, or lodged in jail in Richmond James E Ellis. [mh 21--4t*]
Goochland (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
Twenty dollars reward. --Ranaway from my house, on the 9th of March, a negro Woman, named Melitta, about fifty years old, black, a little stooped, rather low. She belongs to the estate of James B Jordan, of Goochland, and hired from T J Jordan, his administrator, She is lurking about the lower end of Goochland, her old neighborhood, or Dover Pits, where her husband is hired. I will give the above reward if delivered to me, on 4th st, between Duval and Baker, or lodged in jail in Richmondanaway from my house, on the 9th of March, a negro Woman, named Melitta, about fifty years old, black, a little stooped, rather low. She belongs to the estate of James B Jordan, of Goochland, and hired from T J Jordan, his administrator, She is lurking about the lower end of Goochland, her old neighborhood, or Dover Pits, where her husband is hired. I will give the above reward if delivered to me, on 4th st, between Duval and Baker, or lodged in jail in Richmond James E Ellis. [mh 21--4t*]
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 1
East Tennessee. We have the report from East Tennessee that the Yankees, who had advanced as far casting Morristown, have again taken the back track and retired to Strawberry Plains, only some fifteen or twenty miles from Knoxville. This retreat of the enemy has dissipated, for the present at least all prospects of a fight. East Tennessee. We have the report from East Tennessee that the Yankees, who had advanced as far casting Morristown, have again taken the back track and retired to Strawberry Plains, only some fifteen or twenty miles from Knoxville. This retreat of the enemy has dissipated, for the present at least all prospects of a fight.
Morristown (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): article 1
East Tennessee. We have the report from East Tennessee that the Yankees, who had advanced as far casting Morristown, have again taken the back track and retired to Strawberry Plains, only some fifteen or twenty miles from Knoxville. This retreat of the enemy has dissipated, for the present at least all prospects of a fight.
P. Vincent (search for this): article 1
A burglar shot at. --About half-part o'clock last Wednesday night an atten was made to break into the jewelry store P. Vincent, on Broad street, between 3rd 5th. The burglar entered the side which leads to the upper stories of this , and had been boring at the lock on the back door of Mr. V.'s store a few minutes, when that gentleman, who was sleeping inside, approached cautiously, and placing a Belgian rifle about four inches above the look, discharged its contents, the ball passing entirely through that and another door lending into the yard. Singular to relate, however, the fellow escaped without say serious injury, and made quick time down the passage into Broad street. The only conjecture why the load did not instantly kill the midnight robbers that he must have been stooping very low at the time, examining the effect which his boring instrument was making upon the door.
March 22nd (search for this): article 1
From the South and West--Yankee News. Dalton, March 22. --The enemy have retired from our front, and their recent movements are only supposed to have been reconnaissances. A heavy fall of snow occurred here last night, and to day it lies four inches deep. The Louisville Demurral, of the 19th, has been received here. It says that Shermas has assumed command of the Army of Mississippi, with his headquarters at Nashville. General Grant leaves for Washington tomorrow. Colonel Woolford has arrived here and been placed under arrest for disobedience of orders. He says he will servias as a private if cashiered. Isaac Murphy has been elected Governor of Arkansas, and the State has been declared free by a larger vote then is required by Lincoln's proclamation. Jacksonport, Arkansas, has been captured by the rebels. A plot has been discovered in the border counties of Kentucky to hand over the State to the Confederacy. Numerous prominent citizens are implicated in the
From the South and West--Yankee News. Dalton, March 22. --The enemy have retired from our front, and their recent movements are only supposed to have been reconnaissances. A heavy fall of snow occurred here last night, and to day it lies four inches deep. The Louisville Demurral, of the 19th, has been received here. It says that Shermas has assumed command of the Army of Mississippi, with his headquarters at Nashville. General Grant leaves for Washington tomorrow. Colonel Woolford has arrived here and been placed under arrest for disobedience of orders. He says he will servias as a private if cashiered. Isaac Murphy has been elected Governor of Arkansas, and the State has been declared free by a larger vote then is required by Lincoln's proclamation. Jacksonport, Arkansas, has been captured by the rebels. A plot has been discovered in the border counties of Kentucky to hand over the State to the Confederacy. Numerous prominent citizens are implicated in the
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