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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 1, 1864., [Electronic resource].

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Brazil, Clay County, Indiana (Indiana, United States) (search for this): article 11
h to leave the ground pigs who dig into politics only to make money to the undisputed possession of the countries — the State, that our grand fathers fought to make free; and, with the bones of that grandfather, no longer worthy to lie in such dirt, we are disposed to seek a home elsewhere.--We are too settled in our ways to desire new things, but we wish, at least, that our children may live in a country where they may enjoy self respect and personal security. Cold Canada, on the north, or Brazil away south, is better than their anticipated new aristocratic military defeatist. It may come to this. We wait only to do our part, to fight in the last, to see it out. But we do not believe that free government on this side is sick unto death! We have lately rehearsed and canvassed history, ancient and modern, with a view to light, from experience of the intimate race, which is traditional and consistent in its history. Despotisms established on free institutions have invariably be
Robberies. --The box factory of Mr. James Coghill, on 20th st., between Broad and Grace sts., was entered by thieves on Wednesday night and two kegs of nails stolen. Mr. Wm. Page's shoe store, on 18th st., near Franklin, was broken into on the same night and robbed of its entire stock of shoes, leather, &c. In the notice of the robbery of Mr. Woody's storeroom Tuesday night, the name should have been printed T. C. Wooddy.
William Page (search for this): article 11
Robberies. --The box factory of Mr. James Coghill, on 20th st., between Broad and Grace sts., was entered by thieves on Wednesday night and two kegs of nails stolen. Mr. Wm. Page's shoe store, on 18th st., near Franklin, was broken into on the same night and robbed of its entire stock of shoes, leather, &c. In the notice of the robbery of Mr. Woody's storeroom Tuesday night, the name should have been printed T. C. Wooddy.
T. C. Wooddy (search for this): article 11
Robberies. --The box factory of Mr. James Coghill, on 20th st., between Broad and Grace sts., was entered by thieves on Wednesday night and two kegs of nails stolen. Mr. Wm. Page's shoe store, on 18th st., near Franklin, was broken into on the same night and robbed of its entire stock of shoes, leather, &c. In the notice of the robbery of Mr. Woody's storeroom Tuesday night, the name should have been printed T. C. Wooddy.
James Coghill (search for this): article 11
Robberies. --The box factory of Mr. James Coghill, on 20th st., between Broad and Grace sts., was entered by thieves on Wednesday night and two kegs of nails stolen. Mr. Wm. Page's shoe store, on 18th st., near Franklin, was broken into on the same night and robbed of its entire stock of shoes, leather, &c. In the notice of the robbery of Mr. Woody's storeroom Tuesday night, the name should have been printed T. C. Wooddy.
Horrible murder of a child by the Federals The Lynchburg Republican gives the particulars of the horrible murder of a child in Rome county, Va., a few days since, by a party of Yankee soldiers. It says: A gentleman named Lee; of that county, had a little boy, only 17 months old, whom he had named "Jenkins," after the renowned cavalry leader, Gen. A. G. Jenkins A party of Yankees, quartered in the county, bearing of the child's name, visited the house of Mr. Lee, and asking to see tMr. Lee, and asking to see the child, when it was brought into their presence, deliberately shot him dead, for no other cause than its bearing the name it did. The sister of the little in nocent, a girl of fifteen or sixteen summers, discovering the intention of these worse than demons, ran in to try and save her brother's life, and in doing so came near losing her own, several musket balls passing through her dress, but fortunately not injuring her. These facts we obtain from a gentleman who knows them to be true to the
A. G. Jenkins (search for this): article 12
ublican gives the particulars of the horrible murder of a child in Rome county, Va., a few days since, by a party of Yankee soldiers. It says: A gentleman named Lee; of that county, had a little boy, only 17 months old, whom he had named "Jenkins," after the renowned cavalry leader, Gen. A. G. Jenkins A party of Yankees, quartered in the county, bearing of the child's name, visited the house of Mr. Lee, and asking to see the child, when it was brought into their presence, deliberately shGen. A. G. Jenkins A party of Yankees, quartered in the county, bearing of the child's name, visited the house of Mr. Lee, and asking to see the child, when it was brought into their presence, deliberately shot him dead, for no other cause than its bearing the name it did. The sister of the little in nocent, a girl of fifteen or sixteen summers, discovering the intention of these worse than demons, ran in to try and save her brother's life, and in doing so came near losing her own, several musket balls passing through her dress, but fortunately not injuring her. These facts we obtain from a gentleman who knows them to be true to the letter, and can establish them by irrefutable testimony. The bare
Ellas Griswold (search for this): article 12
Reported Resignations. --Major Ellas Griswold, late Provost Marshal of Richmond, is reported to have resigned his commission in the army.
Michael Hahn (search for this): article 13
More trouble in the New Orleans schools. --There is another speak of trouble in the New Orleans public schools. It seems that some of the parents refused to permit their daughters to take a part in the public ceremonies which inaugurated Michael Hann as "Governor of Louisiana." This incensed one of the "loyal" teachers, and He expelled the pupils of the intractable parents in the teacher was discharged by the general superintendent. The N. O. Times very decidedly concrement the act of the superintendent, for the reason that the inference may be drawn from it that all the pupils who took a part in the show were forced to do so, under the threat of expulsion. The Yankee schoolmasters have a zealous advocate in the organ of Michael Hahn.
Michael Hann (search for this): article 13
More trouble in the New Orleans schools. --There is another speak of trouble in the New Orleans public schools. It seems that some of the parents refused to permit their daughters to take a part in the public ceremonies which inaugurated Michael Hann as "Governor of Louisiana." This incensed one of the "loyal" teachers, and He expelled the pupils of the intractable parents in the teacher was discharged by the general superintendent. The N. O. Times very decidedly concrement the act of the superintendent, for the reason that the inference may be drawn from it that all the pupils who took a part in the show were forced to do so, under the threat of expulsion. The Yankee schoolmasters have a zealous advocate in the organ of Michael Hahn.
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