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The Daily Dispatch: April 11, 1864., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 11, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for H. Noe or search for H. Noe in all documents.

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ork's family, at Paris, giving notice of his assassination. About five o'clock the reinforcements from Mattoon arrived, and while in the court House yard, Mr. John cooper, from Salisbury, was captured, and brought in as a prisoner, by Mr. w. H. Noe, and a soldier. Mr. cooper had taken an active part in the affray; when in front of Jenkins's store he attempted to escape, and when commanded to halt refused to do so, whereupon Mr. Noe fired over Mr. cooper's head, who, in return, fired at somMr. Noe fired over Mr. cooper's head, who, in return, fired at some of our men, when orders were given to fire upon him, which was done, and be fell dead at Jenkins's door. Unfortunately one of the balls passed through the closed door and struck Mr. Jno. Jenkins in the groin, producing a serious and probably mortal wound. Mr. cooper was shot through the neck and shoulder. when the insurgents were halted near Mrs. Dickson's, he was heard to say that as they now had no leader he was ready to lead them back and kill the — soldiers and burn the town, or die in