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papers, of the 12th instant, have been received. The news is quite interesting. The last quotation of gold in New York is one hundred and seventy three and an eighth. The highest premium heretofore given was 172, in February, 1863, soon after Burnside's defeat at Fredericksburg. We have been furnished by the Agent of the Press Association with the following abstract: The Red river expedition — defeat of the Yankees near Shreveport Confirmed. The Baltimore Gazette of the 12th, in its egenerally perfected. Gen. Baldy Smith will command two army corps, which are organizing at Fortress Monroe. The troops under his commrnd will be pushed up the Peninsula, whilst the Army of the Potomac keeps Lee's forces vigorously occupied. Gen Burnside will attempt his old route via Goldsboro', cutting the railroad at that point. The World's correspondent expresses the opinion that this grand combination will compel the rebels to fall back from the line of the Rapidan to the defences of