Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 22, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen Bragg or search for Gen Bragg in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: April 22, 1864., [Electronic resource], Capture of Plymouth, N. C.--Twenty-five hundred prisoners and thirty pieces of artillery taken. (search)
Capture of Plymouth, N. C.--Twenty-five hundred prisoners and thirty pieces of artillery taken. The following official telegram was received at the War Department yesterday: Plymouth, N. C, April 20. To Gen Bragg: I have stormed and captured this place, capturing one Brigadier, one thousand six hundred men, stores, and twenty-five pieces of artillery. R. F. Hoke, Brig. Gen'l. In addition to the above the President received a telegram from Col. John Taylor Wood, Rocky Mount, April 21st, which furnishes some further particulars of this important affair. He states that the capture of the town was effected by the forces under Gen. Hoke, with naval cooperation; and that in the fight two Federal gunboats were sunk, another disabled, and a small steamer captured. Our loss he estimates at 300 in all. Among the killed was Col. Mercer.--The captures are thus estimated by Colonel Wood's dispatch: Twenty-five hundred prisoners, among them three or four hundred ne