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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 28, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Orange Court House (Virginia, United States) or search for Orange Court House (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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From Northern Virginia. Orange C. H, April 27. --Mosby surprised a picket post of forty men at Hunter's Mill, in Fairfax county, on Friday last, capturing six men and eighteen horses. The rest escaped. During the day the enemy pursued Mosby, recapturing four horses, and taking prisoner Lieut. Hunter, commanding company A, and wounding Lieut Nelson, of the same company. A fight between Mosby and the Yankees occurred at Leesburg Monday week, in which the Yankees lost three killed and seven wounded. All the Yankees have left the Valley, the most of them coming to reinforce Meade. Averill has gone to Southwest Virginia on a raid. Meade is receiving reinforcements over the Alexandria railroad.
t if the 21st inst., two slaves, named Jon and Ellen nearly black, 22 years of age, of medium height and spare, is smart and brisk in his movement and polite, having been accustomed to waiting a officers in the army and management of horses, and is also a good hand on a farm, Ellen, is 24 or 25 years of age on bright brown color, well formed, but for in stature, full bead of hair, good set of teeth and has been accustomed to washing and ironing, and waiting on ladies. These slaves were purchases by me from Mr. John Taliaferro, near Orange C. H. Va. where they were raised, and may be attempting to get back in that direction, or are trying make their escape to the lines of the Yankees some either direction. I will give the above reward of $500 for both, or $250 for either of them, if on fined in any jail in the Lee & Bowman, or to Ja. P. Winston, near Liberty, in Beaford county, Va., where the above reward will be paid by Mr. Winston, or if here by me. Wm Winston Jonet ap 25--6t*