Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 18, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John Conners or search for John Conners in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: May 18, 1864., [Electronic resource], Operations around Richmond — the battle not renewed yesterday — firing at Chaffin's Bluff — another steamer destroyed in St. John's river, &c. (search)
tely started in pursuit, and succeeded in tracking the flour to the house of John Conners, corner of 21st and Main streets, where it had been rolled into a corner, and an empty barrel placed on top of it. Officer Adams arrested Conners, and took possession of the flour, Conners declaring that he had bought the flour from one JohnConners declaring that he had bought the flour from one John Classee, a paroled Yankee deserter. Classe could not at the time be found, but yesterday morning officer Crone succeeded in arresting him at Conners's house, when when, in addition to the above facts, it was proved by a witness introduced by Conners, that the latter had paid for the flour one hundred and seventy dollars in newf it, and confessed to the Mayor that he had committed the theft but said that Conners and his wife were as guilty as he was, as they knew the flour was stolen. t Conners and his wife were as guilty as he was, as they knew the flour was stolen. Conners and Classee were sent to jail for trial before the Hustings Court.