Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 5, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Semmes or search for Semmes in all documents.

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s a summary: The Alabama —— belligerent cruisers. The privateer Alabama was admitted to full pratique in the French port of Cherbourg. She was also permitted to commence a series of very extensive repairs in the imperial dockyard. Capt Semmes landed the crews of the ships Rockingham and Altycoon, having hold them as prisoners since the destruction of the two vessels by the Alabama. Semmes published a letter in the London Times, occupying two and a half columns of the paper, inSemmes published a letter in the London Times, occupying two and a half columns of the paper, in which he attempts to justify his action in burning his prizes asserting that he would take them into ports for adjudication but for the operation of the British Order in Council, which prevents him from doing so. The English Government has issued an order with regard to the reception of belligerent cruisers with prizes in colonial ports it is directed that if a prize is duly fitted out and regularly converted into a war vessel, the clause excluding prizes is not to apply to her. A Nove