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ate as the 8th inst. The following is a brief statement of the position of the two armies now in the vicinity of that place: Since the armies on our front left our chain of defences at Kennesaw Mountain, there has been little fighting and really less skirmishing than usual. The enemy cautiously approach and carefully occupy their positions for batteries and lines from which to operate, with as much safety as possible to themselves. On Wednesday, they occupied the hills on this side of Vining, and as near the river as they seem to desire for the present. From their batteries, which are situated on very high and commanding positions, they shoot smells promiscuously ever the bluff along the river, though their effect has been trifling thus far. Sherman still passes to our left, and threaten by flask to displace us again. It is idle to speculate on his prospective movements or his apparent manœuvres. The heavy demonstrations is the direction of Campbellton are not indication