Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 25, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for S. A. Douglas or search for S. A. Douglas in all documents.

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t got them to a point to remain at which is destruction, to retreat from which is ruin. Miscellaneous Fifteen car loads of Mormons passed through Rochester recently en route for the Saints's Rest at Salt Lake City. They were a savory lot of individuals, as persons of this unique persuasion usually are. The weather last week was the hottest experienced in the city of New York for the past ten years. Four days the the thermometer stood 93 deg. to 95 deg. in the shade. Mrs. S. A. Douglas, while the guest of General Cameron, at Harrisburg, Pa., two weeks ago, received a telegram that her only brother was mortally wounded. She left immediately for Washington. The total indebtedness of the South to Northern merchants is estimated at $400,000,000, of which New York holds $158,800,000, Philadelphia $24,600,000, Baltimore $19,000,000 and Boston $7,000,000. Fred. Douglass lectured in Dundee, Yates county, a short time ago. The Record gives him a first class endorse