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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 29, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen Averill or search for Gen Averill in all documents.

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tered Atlanta. The defeat of the Yankees in the Valley. Speaking of the Yankee defeat in the Valley, the Baltimore Gazette says the Yankees under Crook, Averill, Mulligan and Kelly were not pursuing the "rebel raiders" when they met with their reverse, but had discontinued the pursuit. They were near Winchester on Sunday of Sunday, further than those given by parties from the vicinity of Martinsburg, which are to the effect that the Confederates massed a large force in front of Gen Averill, and hurling it upon him succeeded in capturing all his artillery besides a portion of his cavalry. Gen Averill is reported to have been killed, and acting BriGen Averill is reported to have been killed, and acting Brig Gen Mulligan was seen to fall from his horse and is believed to have been killed. No other losses of Yankee officers are reported. The forces of Gen Hunter, who was not himself present in the engagement, are said to have been greatly outnumbered by the enemy. Late last evening there was no telegraphic communication beyond