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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 13, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Port Hudson (Louisiana, United States) or search for Port Hudson (Louisiana, United States) in all documents.

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ns takes the place recently occupied by General Maury. General Forrest. We are gratified to learn that this gallant officer, who was wounded in the foot at Tupelo, is in the saddle again, and preparing to meet the enemy advancing from Memphis by way of Holly Springs. General Forrest is in full command for this fight, and the country will expect him to conduct it to a successful result. The Trans-Mississippi. The enemy still hold Merganza, Louisiana, twenty-four miles from Port Hudson, but the garrison (consisting of 5,000 men) is held in check by our companies and squads which hover about the vicinity. The Yankees are doing their utmost to ruin and devastate the country in the neighborhood, stealing horses and cattle, and burning gins and corn cribs. Our army now occupies nine-tenths of the State of Louisiana; and a writer says that but for the river and its tributaries (which gives them the advantage of gunboats) there would in ten days be no Yankee foot upon the s