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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: August 22, 1864., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 2
Foreign News. The Asia, with European dates of the 6th, has arrived at New York. The Australasian's news had no effect in London. The friends of the North were much disappointed that the reported capture of Atlanta was not confirmed, while the Southern sympathizers loudly rejoiced. The Morning Post has in editorial denouncing the kidnapping of British subjects for the Federal service, and refers specifically to the case of seven Irishmen who were subjected, in June last, to gross indignities after their release was obtained, and says, if the facts are proved, the British Government should not be satisfied with anything less than the exemplary punishment of all concerned in the out-rages. The Times has an editorial on the same subject, holding it up to Irishmen as a warning not only against the Federal service, but against emigration to America. The London Daily News editorially refutes the representations against the labor market in America, and shows tha
Ribe (Denmark) (search for this): article 2
not only against the Federal service, but against emigration to America. The London Daily News editorially refutes the representations against the labor market in America, and shows that it is in a most healthy state, and offers irresistible attractions to emigrants. The Settlement of the Danish War. The arrangement of the Danish question has been confirmed via Copenhagen. Denmark completely cedes the Duchies to Austria and Prussia, together with Jutland and Euclares, the town of Ribe excepted. The occupation of Jutiand continues till the final conclusion of peace. The President of the Danish council communicated the matter to the Rigarad at a private sitting, and on the following day a motion was offered, and supported by a considerable number of members, declaring that the silence with which the announcement was received must not be construed into an approval of the conduct of the government. Furloughs have been granted to all the Danish recruits undergoing a prel
Copenhagen (Denmark) (search for this): article 2
ntations against the labor market in America, and shows that it is in a most healthy state, and offers irresistible attractions to emigrants. The Settlement of the Danish War. The arrangement of the Danish question has been confirmed via Copenhagen. Denmark completely cedes the Duchies to Austria and Prussia, together with Jutland and Euclares, the town of Ribe excepted. The occupation of Jutiand continues till the final conclusion of peace. The President of the Danish council communiche silence with which the announcement was received must not be construed into an approval of the conduct of the government. Furloughs have been granted to all the Danish recruits undergoing a preliminary drill, and troops are returning to Copenhagen from Funcer. The German papers assert that the Duchies are surrendered in their entirety, without reservation, and Austria and Prussia have full liberty to dispose of them. The Austrian Government has addressed a circular note to its represen
Poland (Poland) (search for this): article 2
ughs have been granted to all the Danish recruits undergoing a preliminary drill, and troops are returning to Copenhagen from Funcer. The German papers assert that the Duchies are surrendered in their entirety, without reservation, and Austria and Prussia have full liberty to dispose of them. The Austrian Government has addressed a circular note to its representatives abroad, giving an analysis of the preliminary peace arrangements, and stating all the questions reserved for future disposal. France. The weekly return of the Bank of France shows an increase of half a million of francs in species. The King of Belgium has arrived at Paris from Vichy. The Bourse was declining. Rentes are quoted at 66f. 30 Poland. M. Trangog, the head of the Polish National Government, together with four chiefs of the department, were hung on the 5th instant on the glacis of the citadel. The sentences of death of eleven other officials of the National Government had been commuted.
Austria (Austria) (search for this): article 2
ows that it is in a most healthy state, and offers irresistible attractions to emigrants. The Settlement of the Danish War. The arrangement of the Danish question has been confirmed via Copenhagen. Denmark completely cedes the Duchies to Austria and Prussia, together with Jutland and Euclares, the town of Ribe excepted. The occupation of Jutiand continues till the final conclusion of peace. The President of the Danish council communicated the matter to the Rigarad at a private sitting Furloughs have been granted to all the Danish recruits undergoing a preliminary drill, and troops are returning to Copenhagen from Funcer. The German papers assert that the Duchies are surrendered in their entirety, without reservation, and Austria and Prussia have full liberty to dispose of them. The Austrian Government has addressed a circular note to its representatives abroad, giving an analysis of the preliminary peace arrangements, and stating all the questions reserved for future d
Denmark (Denmark) (search for this): article 2
the out-rages. The Times has an editorial on the same subject, holding it up to Irishmen as a warning not only against the Federal service, but against emigration to America. The London Daily News editorially refutes the representations against the labor market in America, and shows that it is in a most healthy state, and offers irresistible attractions to emigrants. The Settlement of the Danish War. The arrangement of the Danish question has been confirmed via Copenhagen. Denmark completely cedes the Duchies to Austria and Prussia, together with Jutland and Euclares, the town of Ribe excepted. The occupation of Jutiand continues till the final conclusion of peace. The President of the Danish council communicated the matter to the Rigarad at a private sitting, and on the following day a motion was offered, and supported by a considerable number of members, declaring that the silence with which the announcement was received must not be construed into an approval of
is in a most healthy state, and offers irresistible attractions to emigrants. The Settlement of the Danish War. The arrangement of the Danish question has been confirmed via Copenhagen. Denmark completely cedes the Duchies to Austria and Prussia, together with Jutland and Euclares, the town of Ribe excepted. The occupation of Jutiand continues till the final conclusion of peace. The President of the Danish council communicated the matter to the Rigarad at a private sitting, and on thes have been granted to all the Danish recruits undergoing a preliminary drill, and troops are returning to Copenhagen from Funcer. The German papers assert that the Duchies are surrendered in their entirety, without reservation, and Austria and Prussia have full liberty to dispose of them. The Austrian Government has addressed a circular note to its representatives abroad, giving an analysis of the preliminary peace arrangements, and stating all the questions reserved for future disposal.
Belgium (Belgium) (search for this): article 2
ghs have been granted to all the Danish recruits undergoing a preliminary drill, and troops are returning to Copenhagen from Funcer. The German papers assert that the Duchies are surrendered in their entirety, without reservation, and Austria and Prussia have full liberty to dispose of them. The Austrian Government has addressed a circular note to its representatives abroad, giving an analysis of the preliminary peace arrangements, and stating all the questions reserved for future disposal. France. The weekly return of the Bank of France shows an increase of half a million of francs in species. The King of Belgium has arrived at Paris from Vichy. The Bourse was declining. Rentes are quoted at 66f. 30 Poland. M. Trangog, the head of the Polish National Government, together with four chiefs of the department, were hung on the 5th instant on the glacis of the citadel. The sentences of death of eleven other officials of the National Government had been commuted.
France (France) (search for this): article 2
ughs have been granted to all the Danish recruits undergoing a preliminary drill, and troops are returning to Copenhagen from Funcer. The German papers assert that the Duchies are surrendered in their entirety, without reservation, and Austria and Prussia have full liberty to dispose of them. The Austrian Government has addressed a circular note to its representatives abroad, giving an analysis of the preliminary peace arrangements, and stating all the questions reserved for future disposal. France. The weekly return of the Bank of France shows an increase of half a million of francs in species. The King of Belgium has arrived at Paris from Vichy. The Bourse was declining. Rentes are quoted at 66f. 30 Poland. M. Trangog, the head of the Polish National Government, together with four chiefs of the department, were hung on the 5th instant on the glacis of the citadel. The sentences of death of eleven other officials of the National Government had been commuted.
M. Trangog (search for this): article 2
ughs have been granted to all the Danish recruits undergoing a preliminary drill, and troops are returning to Copenhagen from Funcer. The German papers assert that the Duchies are surrendered in their entirety, without reservation, and Austria and Prussia have full liberty to dispose of them. The Austrian Government has addressed a circular note to its representatives abroad, giving an analysis of the preliminary peace arrangements, and stating all the questions reserved for future disposal. France. The weekly return of the Bank of France shows an increase of half a million of francs in species. The King of Belgium has arrived at Paris from Vichy. The Bourse was declining. Rentes are quoted at 66f. 30 Poland. M. Trangog, the head of the Polish National Government, together with four chiefs of the department, were hung on the 5th instant on the glacis of the citadel. The sentences of death of eleven other officials of the National Government had been commuted.
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