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John D. Tynan (search for this): article 4
The Tallahassee. The Tallahassee has, so far, captured two ships, four barques, five brigs, twenty schooners and two pilot-boats, of which five were bonded and the rest destroyed. Her officers are: Commander, John Taylor Wood; Lieutenants, William H. Ward, M. M. Benton; Chief Engineer, John D. Tynan; Acting Master, Alexander Curtis; Assistant Surgeon, William L. Sheppardson; Lieutenant of Marines,--Crenshaw. The Yankee papers published a statement that the surgeon, Dr. Sheppardson, was one of the "Chesapeake pirates." This is untrue, as Surgeon Sheppardson was in a Confederate port at the time of the Chesapeake affair.
M. M. Benton (search for this): article 4
The Tallahassee. The Tallahassee has, so far, captured two ships, four barques, five brigs, twenty schooners and two pilot-boats, of which five were bonded and the rest destroyed. Her officers are: Commander, John Taylor Wood; Lieutenants, William H. Ward, M. M. Benton; Chief Engineer, John D. Tynan; Acting Master, Alexander Curtis; Assistant Surgeon, William L. Sheppardson; Lieutenant of Marines,--Crenshaw. The Yankee papers published a statement that the surgeon, Dr. Sheppardson, was one of the "Chesapeake pirates." This is untrue, as Surgeon Sheppardson was in a Confederate port at the time of the Chesapeake affair.
William H. Ward (search for this): article 4
The Tallahassee. The Tallahassee has, so far, captured two ships, four barques, five brigs, twenty schooners and two pilot-boats, of which five were bonded and the rest destroyed. Her officers are: Commander, John Taylor Wood; Lieutenants, William H. Ward, M. M. Benton; Chief Engineer, John D. Tynan; Acting Master, Alexander Curtis; Assistant Surgeon, William L. Sheppardson; Lieutenant of Marines,--Crenshaw. The Yankee papers published a statement that the surgeon, Dr. Sheppardson, was one of the "Chesapeake pirates." This is untrue, as Surgeon Sheppardson was in a Confederate port at the time of the Chesapeake affair.
The Tallahassee. The Tallahassee has, so far, captured two ships, four barques, five brigs, twenty schooners and two pilot-boats, of which five were bonded and the rest destroyed. Her officers are: Commander, John Taylor Wood; Lieutenants, William H. Ward, M. M. Benton; Chief Engineer, John D. Tynan; Acting Master, Alexander Curtis; Assistant Surgeon, William L. Sheppardson; Lieutenant of Marines,--Crenshaw. The Yankee papers published a statement that the surgeon, Dr. Sheppardson, was one of the "Chesapeake pirates." This is untrue, as Surgeon Sheppardson was in a Confederate port at the time of the Chesapeake affair.
William L. Sheppardson (search for this): article 4
ers are: Commander, John Taylor Wood; Lieutenants, William H. Ward, M. M. Benton; Chief Engineer, John D. Tynan; Acting Master, Alexander Curtis; Assistant Surgeon, William L. Sheppardson; Lieutenant of Marines,--Crenshaw. The Yankee papers published a statement that the surgeon, Dr. Sheppardson, was one of the "Chesapeake piratesynan; Acting Master, Alexander Curtis; Assistant Surgeon, William L. Sheppardson; Lieutenant of Marines,--Crenshaw. The Yankee papers published a statement that the surgeon, Dr. Sheppardson, was one of the "Chesapeake pirates." This is untrue, as Surgeon Sheppardson was in a Confederate port at the time of the Chesapeake affair. ynan; Acting Master, Alexander Curtis; Assistant Surgeon, William L. Sheppardson; Lieutenant of Marines,--Crenshaw. The Yankee papers published a statement that the surgeon, Dr. Sheppardson, was one of the "Chesapeake pirates." This is untrue, as Surgeon Sheppardson was in a Confederate port at the time of the Chesapeake affair.
John Taylor Wood (search for this): article 4
The Tallahassee. The Tallahassee has, so far, captured two ships, four barques, five brigs, twenty schooners and two pilot-boats, of which five were bonded and the rest destroyed. Her officers are: Commander, John Taylor Wood; Lieutenants, William H. Ward, M. M. Benton; Chief Engineer, John D. Tynan; Acting Master, Alexander Curtis; Assistant Surgeon, William L. Sheppardson; Lieutenant of Marines,--Crenshaw. The Yankee papers published a statement that the surgeon, Dr. Sheppardson, was one of the "Chesapeake pirates." This is untrue, as Surgeon Sheppardson was in a Confederate port at the time of the Chesapeake affair.
Chesapeake (search for this): article 4
The Tallahassee. The Tallahassee has, so far, captured two ships, four barques, five brigs, twenty schooners and two pilot-boats, of which five were bonded and the rest destroyed. Her officers are: Commander, John Taylor Wood; Lieutenants, William H. Ward, M. M. Benton; Chief Engineer, John D. Tynan; Acting Master, Alexander Curtis; Assistant Surgeon, William L. Sheppardson; Lieutenant of Marines,--Crenshaw. The Yankee papers published a statement that the surgeon, Dr. Sheppardson, was one of the "Chesapeake pirates." This is untrue, as Surgeon Sheppardson was in a Confederate port at the time of the Chesapeake affair.
Alexander Curtis (search for this): article 4
The Tallahassee. The Tallahassee has, so far, captured two ships, four barques, five brigs, twenty schooners and two pilot-boats, of which five were bonded and the rest destroyed. Her officers are: Commander, John Taylor Wood; Lieutenants, William H. Ward, M. M. Benton; Chief Engineer, John D. Tynan; Acting Master, Alexander Curtis; Assistant Surgeon, William L. Sheppardson; Lieutenant of Marines,--Crenshaw. The Yankee papers published a statement that the surgeon, Dr. Sheppardson, was one of the "Chesapeake pirates." This is untrue, as Surgeon Sheppardson was in a Confederate port at the time of the Chesapeake affair.