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om the city by cutting its railroad communication to the rear. The raiding policy was a failure, but the purpose might be accomplished by throwing his main line across the West Point and Macon roads, and that this is the grand movement that will be attempted there can be no longer any doubt. The topography of the country on the north side of the river is said to be favorable for transportation by wagon, the roads numerous; and with the ferries bridged, as stated, supplies can be moved from Vining's station above the river with facility. This is the opinion of the old citizens who are acquainted with the country. Atlanta, August 29, 1864. The movements now going on are big with importance, and promise a very early development of results. Sherman has so far progressed with his new plan that strategic movements to prevent its fulfillment can be safely made with a certainty that renders an error almost impossible; and the time is at hand when General Hood will be called u