Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 19, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Grant or search for Grant in all documents.

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hich it takes such peculiar delight, says that Grant's campaign in Virginia surpasses anything thatd an object, and he never failed to obtain it. Grant had an object, it is true, but he did not obtain it. Napoleon always crushed his enemies. Grant's enemies very nearly crushed him before he got oss on his enemies than he sustained himself. Grant's enemies have killed for him six men for one 150,000 men in attempting to take any capital; Grant did. Napoleon never lost a battle on his advanourse, that the Herald likens this campaign of Grant. In the campaign of Marengo, then, Napoleon can army, he would have made a campaign such as Grant's is. We pass over the campaign of 1807 bstroyed an army and took a capital. Thus far, Grant has destroyed no army, and he has got possessioleon lost in all these five great campaigns. Grant is hardly equal to Napoleon. The Herald onceas, but it has found out its mistake. It is mistaken about Grant, and it will find that out too. [12 more...]
the day by the bullet, and these peace rumors, doubtless, are but a trick to give the market a twist more to their liking. The general public gives no ear now to yarns of that character. They know very well that the only peace commissioners are Grant, Sherman, and Farragut, and that the only "treating" for an armistice must be done, not by civilians, but through them, at the cannon's mouth. The Daily News, you will see in its issue of this morning, has this significant paragraph: "es at the North. General Burnside, General Butler, and their associates in the army, came in for a liberal share of abuse, and not one word of censure did our reporter hear of the rebels; not one word of commendation of our gallant Farragut, and Grant, and Hancock. Hatred of the negro and sympathy with the armed secessionists of the South ran through all their speeches. Peace on any terms was the ruling sentiment of a majority of the orators.(?) Their remarks, generally, would have been appl
daylight, started from a point on the Weldon railroad, below Reams's station, and passing around Grant's rear, attacked his position on the Norfolk and Petersburg railroad, capturing three hundred Yaby persons who knew it intimately three or four months ago. An immense wharf has been erected by Grant's orders, extending from the old steamboat landing on James river, around up the Appomattox for umbrella. The former superb residence of Dr. Eppes has been renovated and repaired, and General Grant, Mrs. Grant, and sundry young Grants, are now snugly ensconced therein, upon the squatter soMrs. Grant, and sundry young Grants, are now snugly ensconced therein, upon the squatter sovereignty principle, about which we heard so much during the Douglas canvass in 1860. From the Doctor's residence up to Jordan's farm, in the immediate vicinity of Petersburg — all the valley of the Appomattox — is one vast camp. The country behind Grant is being daily robbed by the negro troops. They go about in bands, rush into the chambers, and unceremoniously appropriate whatever artic
A Canadian Eulogy of General Lee. In the New York Metropolitan Record of July 22d we find an admirably written review of the Federal campaign of 1864, copied from the Montreal Telegraph, from which we extract the following: "So far, we repeat, the campaign has failed at all points. The Federal armies have been hurled to certain slaughter by a hardheartedness worse than devilish. No general ever exhibited so great an indifference to the lives of his soldiers as Grant. It is impossible to say that his army has not fought well, and endured all the hardships, dangers and labors of the campaign with heroism and docility. They were directed by a butcher, and opposed by the greatest general of this or any other age. Posterity will rank General Lee above Wellington or Napoleon, before Saxe or Turrenne, above Marlborough or Frederick, before Alexander or Cæsar. Careful of the lives of his men, fertile in resource, a profound tactician, gifted with the swift intuition which en