Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 10, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for September, 9 AD or search for September, 9 AD in all documents.

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Later from Europe. By the steamer China, at New York, October 5th, dates to the 24th September, from Liverpool, have been received. British journals on the War. The English journals have nothing new to advance upon American affairs. The New York correspondent of the London Times, writing on the 9th of September, says that the Republican party, seeing the danger which menaces it from divided councils, is rapidly closing up its ranks — and in contrasting the Republican claims of Lincoln and McClellan, he contends that between them there is little to choose on public grounds. The Times correspondent at Richmond, writing August 13th, says there never was a moment when more confidence, as to the result of the war, was entertained throughout Secessia. The New York correspondent of the Daily News says that "whoever may be elected in November, you have nothing to look for but war. There is no peace party that will weigh in the contest, and unless some great change