Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 25, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Arkansas (United States) or search for Arkansas (United States) in all documents.

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e. The following is a characteristic official dispatch from the Yankee General Curtis, who could not get to Price. It is dated at Camp Arkansas, November 8th: We have just concluded the pursuit of Price, whose rear guard crossed the Arkansas river under fire of our guns. He left another of his guns and his own carriage, which, with other arms and equipments, have fallen into our hands. We are now rid of twenty or thirty thousand half- starved bushwhackers and half-starved vagabonds, who I hope may never return to disturb the peaceful inhabitants north of the Arkansas river. He is also beyond our posts of Fayetteville, Fort Smith and Fort Gibson, which are now safe. S. R. Curtis, Major-General. A speech from the New Governor of New York. Governor Fenton, the newly-chosen governor of New York, was serenaded in New York city a night or two ago. In his address replying to the compliment, he said: I intend that New York, hereafter, shall occupy no hesitatin